To set the number of workers for the MATLAB parpool to utilize the full capacity of my dual CPU setup, what should I do?

69 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I'm confused with the number of parpool workers. My computer has a dual CPU (AMD epyc 7642) set up and each CPU has 48 cores, so totally 98 cores.
However, MATLAB parpool can only be set to a maximum of 48 workers. This is very frustrating. How to solve it?
The system is windows 10 for workstation.

回答(1 个)

Dheeraj 2024-7-1
编辑:Dheeraj 2024-7-1
Hi Deyun,
I understand that you want to increase the number of parallel workers that MATLAB parpool can utilize.
The default for number of workers is set to the number of actual cores you have in the system, not threads.
If you wish to alter the maximum number of workers allowed by the 'Processes' or 'local' profile:
  • Access the 'Cluster Profile Manager' menu and edit the number of workers (NumWorkers) to start on your local machine.
  • Make sure that the 98 cores on your system are physical cores and not logical.
  • if you are also altering the NumThreads we recommend that NumWorkers x NumThreads <= Number of Physical Cores on the system.
Thank you.


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