- Open Test Case Manager: Launch MATLAB and open the Test Case Manager where your test case is defined.
- Locate the Equivalence Test: Navigate to your specific equivalence test within the Test Case Manager.
- Capture Equivalence Criteria: Use the "captureEquivalenceCriteria" function to capture the current criteria.
- Modify Criteria: Adjust the criteria to exclude the first frame.
- Save the Changes: After making the necessary adjustments, ensure to save the changes to your test case.
- Run the Test: Execute the test to verify that the first frame has been successfully excluded and the signals match correctly.
- Test Case Manager: https://www.mathworks.com/help/sltest/ug/test-case-manager.html
- captureEquivalenceCriteria: https://www.mathworks.com/help/sltest/ref/sltest.testmanager.testcase.captureequivalencecriteria.html