imregcorr() misaligns images badly
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[tform, peakregcorr] = imregcorr(SourceImageAdj,SourceRef, ...
TargetImageAdj,TargetRef, ...
'transformType', 'similarity', ...
'Window', true);
RegisteredImage = imwarp(SourceImageAdj,SourceRef, tform, 'linear', ...
'OutputView', TargetRef);
figure, imshowpair(TargetImageAdj,TargetRef,RegisteredImage, TargetRef)
above is my code to correlate 2 images of different sizes. the goal is to find the correlation between the images to determine what pixel location a point of interest might lie in both images. However, imregcorr consistently misses the mark badly.
Whereas the code above might output a tform object - Dimensionality: 2, Scale: 0.4254, RotationAngle: 2.4851, Translation: [-0.3269 -0.0904]
A more correct tform object (based upon the output image would look like - Dimensionality: 2, Scale: 1, RotationAngle: -1, Translation: [0.0640 0]
The SourceRef and TargetRef seem correct, so Im not sure what is causing the issue
2 个评论
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
Phase correlation isn't going to be a good algorithm for images of a starry field. I think your best bet is to do landmark extraction -- either manually with cpselect or automatically if you have some way to do that -- and then use fitgeotform2d.
[sp,tp] = cpselect(SourceImageAdj, TargetImageAdj ,'Wait',true);
[sp(:,1), sp(:,2)]=intrinsicToWorld(SourceRef, sp(:,1), sp(:,2))
[tp(:,1), tp(:,2)]=intrinsicToWorld(TargetRef, tp(:,1), tp(:,2))
tform = fitgeotform2d(sp,tp,'similarity')
RegisteredImage = imwarp(SourceImageAdj,SourceRef, tform, 'linear', ...
'OutputView', TargetRef);
figure, imshowpair(TargetImageAdj,TargetRef,RegisteredImage, TargetRef)

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