Error with ROS toolbox to create a my own toolbox

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi guys,
I was trying to create a my own toolbox with a custom simulink library but I found this error during the procedure "package a toolbox". Is there anyone can help me to find a workaround?
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04
Matlab version: 2023b


federico ciresola
For the moment, Simulink Compiler doesn't support the ROS-Toolbox
To see the list: here

更多回答(1 个)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2024-7-11
Assuming you are not using the ROS Toolbox and it was installed by your IT as it is part of the license - you could uninstall the ROS Tbx as a workaround.
I am puzzled about the message though, as ROS Tbx is supported by Simulink Compiler, see Do you use an older release?
  3 个评论
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2024-7-12
Then this looks like there is a need you contact MathWorks Technical Support please.
federico ciresola
I have contacted the MathWork Technical Support and they said me that the Simulink compiler doesn't support the ROS- Toolbox



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