How to structure the data using webread

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I will have to automatize a procedure to extract data from different URLs, One example of the URL link is the following:
The variable data has a huge amount of information that I would like to structure in order to access and retrieve the data easily without the need of creating a xml file.
I would appreciate the help.


Ayush Aniket
Ayush Aniket 2024-7-16
编辑:Ayush Aniket 2024-7-16
Hi Jorge,
To retrieve specific data from the XML file, you can use regexp on the string output of webread function. Refer the following MATLAB answer for an example:
You may also refer the following link to understand more about the regexp function:
  1 个评论
Jorge Luis
Jorge Luis 2024-7-16
Thank you very much. Yes, that was the other option I was tempted to use but considering all the amount of data, I wanted a way in which all the information is converted in a structure matrix. I managed to do that but you need to save the data and use functions to write a xlm file and then structure the file.


更多回答(1 个)

Anshuman 2024-7-16
First you can parse the data to xmlData:
% Convert the data from char to XML DOM
xmlData = xmlreadstring(data);
You can use XPath queries to extract specific elements from the XML data:
% Create an XPath factory and compile the XPath expression
factory = javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance;
xpath = factory.newXPath;
% Extract magnitude
magnitudeExpression = xpath.compile('//magnitude/mag/value');
magnitudeNode = magnitudeExpression.evaluate(xmlData, javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants.NODE);
magnitude = str2double(magnitudeNode.getTextContent);
This way you can extract the specific data like magnitude and any other information as needed.
  2 个评论
Jorge Luis
Jorge Luis 2024-7-16
Much appreciated. I am still looking for the way of saving the files as xlm witouth saving the webread data in order to structure all the information using the following function:
Jorge Luis
Jorge Luis 2024-7-17
The function xmlreadstring does not work.



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