How to make bold font for axis labe with latex interpreter

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey i try to make my axis label that contain latex interpreter in bold style. I have try some suggestion befor but none of them seems to works. Anybody have a clue?
This is my line
ylabel('$|\frac{\ddot{X}(i\omega)_{2}}{F(i\omega)_{4}}|$ ($\frac{mm/s^2}{N}$)', 'Interpreter','Latex')


Himanshu 2024-7-16
Hey Fauzanul,
You can use the '\mathbf' command for specific parts of the string that need to be bold. Here is an example of how to use it:
ylabel('$\mathbf{|\frac{\ddot{X}(i\omega)_{2}}{F(i\omega)_{4}}|}$ $\mathbf{(\frac{mm/s^2}{N})}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
Hope this helps!

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