Hi John,
I understand you are encountering errors related to "GDAL" and "PhysXGpu dll" when importing GIS assets into RoadRunner.
You can ignore the "PhysXGpu dll" error message as it doesn't affect functionality. PhysX tries to enable GPU acceleration by default and prints messages if the platform doesn't support GPU-accelerated physics.
To fix the "GDAL" error, please follow these steps:
- Open System Properties (press Start and type "Environment Variables").
- Click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
- Check the User and System variables for entries named PROJ_LIB or PROJ_DATA. If they exist, try clearing them and re-test.
Also, ensure your system meets the minimum requirements using the following link: https://www.mathworks.com/help/roadrunner/ug/roadrunner-system-requirements.html
To import GIS data in RoadRunner:
- Copy the ".tif" files to the project asset folder.
- Drag and drop the ".tif" files into the scene. Make sure the files include the projection in their headers. If the files are not geolocated, you must set a Custom Projection.
For detailed steps on adding GIS assets, refer to this documentation: https://www.mathworks.com/help/roadrunner/ug/create-roads-around-imported-gis-assets.html
To learn about building scenes using imported GIS data, check this link: https://www.mathworks.com/help/roadrunner/import-scene-data.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
I hope this helps resolve your issue.