When VS initializes the library generated by calling Matlab, the following problem occurs and the application crashes.

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Hello expert, I would like to ask if Matlab2015b (32-bit) is compatible with vs2013(32-bit), the problem I am having now is that when I generate the corresponding .lib.h.dll.crf with Matlab, I call it with vs2013, but when it comes to initializing the loading library I generated, the application somehow jumps out. Prompt:
First-chance exception at 0x7695A782 in MfdPrj.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: MathWorks::System::SimpleException at memory location 0x4C0FD8AC.
First-chance exception at 0x7695A782 in MfdPrj.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
and the following questions are asked
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回答(1 个)

Lokesh 2024-7-23
I understand that you are encountering errors when initializing the library generated by calling MATLAB.
Please refer to the following MATLAB Answer, which discusses a similar issue and several alternative workarounds that might help resolve the problem:
  1 个评论
王栋 2024-7-23
Thank you for your answer. I really appreciate it. After carefully reviewing your reference answers, I don't think it's a software compatibility issue with matlab2015b (32-bit) and vs2013 (32-bit project) because I followed the official compatibility guidelines. I also don't think it's a path issue because I added and referenced the standard libraries completely. I'm confused. I tried to change the properties in the VS project to mixed programming, but when initializing the libraries, the application still popped up. I don't think there's a good way to mix C++with Matlab at the moment, so I can only use C++to build the model



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