How to change default behaivour of Simulink Library Breowsewr to undocked?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have very simple request. I want to change default behavior od Simulink Library Browser to undocked.
If the answer is that it can not be done, I would like to suggest that improvement is implemented in the next version of Simulink to give user option to change default behavior.
Thank you.

回答(1 个)

Piyush Kumar
Piyush Kumar 2024-7-25
If you want to move the "Library Browser" window freely, open it in standalone mode. By default, it opens in docked mode. But I follow the above workaround when needed.
  1 个评论
Slobodan 2024-7-25
My question is how do I make it open in standalone mode when the library buttom is clicked on. the how it works now I need three clicks. Open docked Library, open standalone library, close docked library.
I want to open standalone library straight, like in the earlier versions of Simulink. Is there any preference option that can be edited to change the default ?
Thank you.



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