Is there a way to model sound wave interference patterns using Phased Array System Toolbox?

33 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to find a way to model the constructive/destructive interference patterns for sound speakers in a room, i.e. concentrating sound in a specific part of the room through creating constructive interference from several non-directional (aka regular) speakers. I have been looking at the Phased Array System Toolbox (because I am thinking about an array of speakers) and think that might be the best fit for what I am looking for. Not sure if there is another Toolbox out there that does similar things or the Phased Array System is the best fit for this? Thank you!
  3 个评论
Umar 2024-7-26,3:07
Hi Janet,
Thank you for your kind words and positive feedback. I am glad to hear that you found the information helpful and that you feel confident in the progress you are making. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.


回答(1 个)

Muskan 2024-7-25,5:26
编辑:Muskan 2024-7-25,5:26
As per my understanding to model constructive and destructive interference patterns for sound speakers in a room, the Phased Array System Toolbox in MATLAB is indeed a very suitable tool.
You can follow the following steps in order to acheieve the same:
  1. Define the Speaker Array: Set up an array of speakers with specific positions and properties.
  2. Model the Sound Propagation: Simulate the propagation of sound waves from the speakers.
  3. Analyze Interference Patterns: Calculate and visualize the interference patterns in the room. You can visualize the results by using the pattern function in MATLAB.
Here is a sample code on how you can do the same:
% Define parameters
f = 1000; % Frequency of the sound wave (Hz)
c = 343; % Speed of sound (m/s)
lambda = c / f; % Wavelength
d = lambda / 2; % Distance between speakers
numSpeakers = 10; % Number of speakers in the array
% Create speaker array
speakerArray = phased.ULA('NumElements', numSpeakers, 'ElementSpacing', d);
fc = f; % Carrier frequency
% Define the signal
t = 0:1/44100:1; % Time vector
signal = sin(2 * pi * f * t)'; % Sine wave signal
% Define the direction of the sound (azimuth, elevation)
% Note: Azimuth and elevation should be in degrees
azimuth = 0; % Angle in the x-y plane
elevation = 0; % Angle from the x-y plane up to the z-axis
% Collect and visualize array response
collector = phased.WidebandCollector('Sensor', speakerArray, 'SampleRate', 44100, 'PropagationSpeed', c);
receivedSignal = collector(signal, [azimuth; elevation]); % Direction [azimuth; elevation]
% Plot array response
pattern(speakerArray, fc, 'PropagationSpeed', c);
title('Array Response');
You can also refer to the following documentation on Array Geometries and Analysis to get a better understanding of array responses:
I hope this helps!


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