Bessel function has problems in converting symbolic function into handle function.

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, so I first construct the spherical Bessel function by using Bessel function.
Because I want to derive the spherical Bessel function, I want to first construct a symbolic expression of the spherical Bessel function, and then use the diff function to get the first derivative, and then convert it into a function handle.
However, when n is large, the symbolic expression of spherical Bessel function has problems(In the figure below, I haven't derived the spherical Bessel function yet, but there has been a case of non-convergence, so it can be seen that the derivative is also non-convergence):
If I don't need to find the derivative of Bessel function, then I only need to use the handle to complete this task. I need to construct a function to find the first derivative of spherical Bessel function at any point. Is there any good way?


Torsten 2024-7-26
编辑:Torsten 2024-7-26
It works for the numerical "besselj" function.
Its derivative is given here:
n = 40;
x = 0:0.1:100;
y = sqrt(pi./(2*x)).*besselj(n+0.5,x);
% Derivative of y with respect to x
dy = -sqrt(pi)./(2*x).^(1.5).*besselj(n+0.5,x)+sqrt(pi./(2*x))*0.5.*(besselj(n+0.5-1,x)-besselj(n+0.5+1,x));
grid on
Or you work with symbolic precision:
syms x
y = sqrt(pi/(2*x))*besselj(n+0.5,x);
dy = diff(y,x);
xnum = 0.1:0.1:100;
ynum = subs(y,x,xnum);
dynum = subs(dy,x,xnum);
grid on

更多回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-7-26
编辑:Torsten 2024-7-26
This code seems to work. Can you show us where you encounter problems ?
syms x
n = 12;
f = sqrt(sym(pi)/(2*x))*besselj(n+1/2,x)
f = 
df = diff(f,x)
df = 
dfnum = matlabFunction(df)
dfnum = function_handle with value:
  3 个评论
Torsten 2024-7-26
编辑:Torsten 2024-7-26
We cannot make use of graphics. Can you include your code as plain .m-file by using the Code-button from the menu bar ?
According to the formula, your function should have a pole at x = 0, shouldn't it ? Maybe that's what the plot shows.
泽川 2024-7-26
n = 40;
x = 0:0.5:100;
syms X
Formfunc = sqrt(pi./(2*X)) .* besselj(n+0.5, X)
% Formfunc = @(X)sqrt(pi./(2*X)) .* besselj(n+0.5, X);
% Formfunc = besselj(n, X);
% Formfunc_d = diff(Formfunc, X, order);
Formfunc_d = Formfunc;
Formfunc_d = matlabFunction(Formfunc_d);
% 判断阶数n是否为非负整数
if ~isnumeric(n) || n < 0 || floor(n) ~= n
y = zeros(size(x)); % 预分配结果数组
idx_zero = (x == 0); % 筛选出 x=0 的索引位置
if any(idx_zero)
y(idx_zero & (n == 0)) = 1; % n=0 且 x=0 时,球状 Bessel 函数的值为 1
y(idx_zero & (n ~= 0)) = 0; % n 不等于 0 且 x=0 时,球状 Bessel 函数的值为 0
idx_nonzero = ~idx_zero; % 筛选出 x!=0 的索引位置
if any(idx_nonzero)
% 计算球状 Bessel 函数
y(idx_nonzero) = Formfunc_d( x(idx_nonzero) );



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