How do I collect logs from a Ryze Tello drone when facing connection issues with MATLAB R2024a?

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MathWorks Support Team
You can use Wireshark to collect logs from a Ryze Tello drone:
  1. Ensure that your machine is successfully connected to the drone's Wi-Fi using the Connect to Ryze Drone over Wi-Fi documentation .
  2. Download and install the Wireshark application. Please download the appropriate Wireshark version for your OS using Wireshark's download page.
  3. Select the interface as “Wi-Fi” since the Tello drone is connected to the PC over a Wi-Fi connection
  4. Click on the “Capture Button” to start capturing the Wireshark logs.
  5. Run your script from MATLAB, and stop capturing the Wireshark packets after the error occurs
These Wireshark logs are very helpful to collect if you are running into errors at any stage of MATLAB's connection to the drone, as they should provide insight into exactly what anomalies in the drone's connection are present and may be causing the issue. These are also useful if you are contacting technical support, as it will allow support to more easily investigate your issue.
Here's a screenshot of the Wireshark app for reference:

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