How to format cell font size, font color, and alignment in Excel from Matlab GUI program

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear Matlab users,
I wrote these lines to export some data from my Matlab GUI to an Excel sheet. But, I need to do the following:
  1. control the font size and color.
  2. control the cell alignment.
I've read a lot of generous explanations that discuss a lot of issues, but could not find an answer to what I simply need.
Here is the code. Would you tell me what to add and where exactly?
header={'Radar Set', 'Antenna Height' 'Tilting Angle', 'Target Type', 'Long', 'Lat', 'Elevation', 'Max. Range', 'Area', 'Date', 'Time'};
Data = {radar_set, get(handles.ant_height, 'String'), get(handles.tilt_ang, 'String'), target, get(handles.long,'string'), get(,'string'), get(handles.alt,'string'), get(handles.maxrange,'string'), get(handles.area,'string'), datestr(clock, 'dd/mm/YYYY'), datestr(clock, 'HH:MM:SS')};
[number, strings, row] = xlsread('SavedData.xlsx');
lastRow = size(row,1);
nextRow = lastRow+1;
cellReference = sprintf('A%d', nextRow);
xlswrite('SavedData.xlsx', Data, 'Sheet1', cellReference);

回答(1 个)

Milan Bansal
Milan Bansal about 16 hours 前
Hi Hazem Kamel,
To format the cells in an excel sheet using MATLAB, you can use the actxserver. This will open an instace of Excel and then you can interact with Excel from MATLAB code. Please see to the following example code for reference:
% Create a sample table
data = {'Header1', 'Header2', 'Header3'; 1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9};
xlswrite('formatted_file.xlsx', data);
% Create an ActiveX server to interact with Excel
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Open the saved Excel file, Get the first worksheet
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(pwd, 'formatted_file.xlsx'));
sheet = workbook.Sheets.Item(1);
% Specify the range of cells you want to format
range = sheet.Range('A1:C4');
% set formatting
range.Font.Size = 14;
range.Font.Color = hex2dec('FF0000');
range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108; % -4108 is the constant for center alignment in Excel
range.VerticalAlignment = -4108; % -4108 is the constant for center alignment in Excel
% Save the workbook
% Quit the ActiveX server
Please refer to the documentation to learn more about actxserver.
Hope this helps!

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