In App Designer: put new data into a (ui)table

23 次查看(过去 30 天)
This should be easy... Data comes in from a serial device consisting of a character and a number (time in msec) and I want to insert it into a table on screen.
I've got my serial callback working (after much effort) and I thought the next step would be easier. I have created a uitable that is displayed on the screen. Empty at first, called ResultsTable and thus referred to as app.ResultsTable with 2 columns named 'Event' and 'Time'. Everything else about the table is defaulted.
The app.ResultsTable.Data is initially [ ] as expected and as each bit of info comes in I want to add it to the table. Serial callback parsed the input into PType (a character) and PTime (uint32) so why does
app.ResultsTable.Data(app.NextTrial,'Event') = char(PType);
app.ResultsTable.Data(app.NextTrial,'Time') = PData;
Give me multiple columns where the number of columns is the ascii value of the character? If PType is 'A' I get 64 zeros and then a 65. I've tried various combinations of [ PType PData ] ( etc.) { another attempt }. All kinds of complicated merging of multiple tables is described in help but not simply putting new data into a new table within App Designer code (which has to be different than MatLab of course)
And after I get that first row in, I sure hope I can keep adding rows (app.NextTrial is the row index of course) for as long as I have enough memory (maybe 1000 rows?), that I can later export to an excel file or .CSV.
Thanks for the help for an old time C coder new to Matlab.
  4 个评论
Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2024-7-28
app.ResultsTable.Data(end+1,:) = [PType,PData];
This is one of the first thing you learn, when you learn MATLAB. It wouldn't hurt if you went over MATLAB Onramp quickly, takes 30-60 mins IIRC.
Gavin 2024-7-29
i thought I'd go ahead and do the course but I got this:
Course Overview >Course Overview
HTTP ERROR 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
URI:/R2024a/videoPage.html?caption=on&lang=en&videoIdUrl=6084985398001&isLocalized=false&volume=1&play=false&darkMode=falseSTATUS:431MESSAGE:Request Header Fields Too Large



Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2024-7-27
Hi Gavin,
Hopefully, I understood the question and here's an example code that could help.
hFig = uifigure();
t = uitable("Parent", hFig);
pType = 'a';
pData = 1;
pType = convertCharsToStrings(pType); % uitable supports string arrays, not char arrays
for i = 1 : 5
if isempty(t.Data) % Init (sets the var types too)
t.Data = [pType, pData];
t.Data(end + 1, :) = [pType, pData]; % adding data to the next row
pData = pData + 1;
  1 个评论
Gavin 2024-7-29
Thank you, that took care of it. The isempty() part is necessary or it puts the first one in as NAN. If one isn't changing types it's not necessary.
I come from the world of C, C++ and other strongly typed languages. MatLab's weak typing causes more troubles than is solves IMO.


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