How to setup a multi-agent DDPG

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
ali farid
ali farid 2024-7-27
编辑: Alan 2024-8-1
I am trying to simulate a number of agents that collaboratively doing mapping. I designed the actor critic networks, but I have a problem that how I can write a code for gridworld file inside my simulink. Is there any related example?

回答(1 个)

Alan 2024-8-1
编辑:Alan 2024-8-1
Hi Ali,
The following documentation page shows an example with multiple agents that perform a collaborative task.:
Make sure that you declare the environment by calling rlSimulinkEnv with the multiple RL block paths and their associated observation and action information as shown below:
blks = ["model_name/Agent A (Red)", "model_name/Agent B (Green)", "model_name/Agent C (Blue)", "model_name/Agent D (Black)", "model_name/Agent E (Yellow)"];
obsInfos = {oinfo1, oinfo2, oinfo3, oinfo4, oinfo5};
actInfos = {ainfo1, ainfo2, ainfo3, ainfo4, ainfo5};
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl, blks, obsInfos, actInfos);
For more detailed information on creating custom Simulink Environments for Reinforcement Learning, you can refer to the following documentation page:
- Alan


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