How to Graph integrals?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to get this graph:
Using this code:
function res = fun(bs,gamma)
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
res = bs - 0.5*(1+gamma*Z(end,3));
gamma = 0.3;
bs = 0.542
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
hold on
hold off
grid on
Error using fplot>singleFplot (line 258)
Input must be a function or functions of a single variable.

Error in fplot>@(f)singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args) (line 218)
hObj = cellfun(@(f) singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args),fn{1},'UniformOutput',false);

Error in fplot>vectorizeFplot (line 218)
hObj = cellfun(@(f) singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args),fn{1},'UniformOutput',false);

Error in fplot (line 184)
hObj = vectorizeFplot(cax,fn,limits,extraOpts,args);
But I didn't get it. I would appreciate it if I could get the graph.


Torsten 2024-7-29
编辑:Torsten 2024-7-29
According to proposition 4, the red curve should be the inverse bidding function X and the blue curve should be the inverse bidding function Y for the given value of gamma.
gamma = 0.3;
bs0 = 0.3;
bs = fsolve(@(b)fun(b,gamma),bs0,optimset('Display','None'))
bs = 0.4509
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
hold on
hold off
grid on
function res = fun(bs,gamma)
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
res = bs - 0.5*(1+gamma*Z(end,3));

更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-7-27
b is not defined.
This is the same problem as you had for your previous iteration of this question (which you have deleted.) I pointed out the problem there.
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-7-29
syms v a
fun = v/2;
B(v) = int(fun, v, 0, a)
B(v) = 
fplot(B,[0 1])
Error using fplot>singleFplot (line 258)
Input must be a function or functions of a single variable.

Error in fplot>@(f)singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args) (line 218)
hObj = cellfun(@(f) singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args),fn{1},'UniformOutput',false);

Error in fplot>vectorizeFplot (line 218)
hObj = cellfun(@(f) singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args),fn{1},'UniformOutput',false);

Error in fplot (line 184)
hObj = vectorizeFplot(cax,fn,limits,extraOpts,args);
You are defining B to be a function of v. But you are integrating over v with definite integral bounds that are independent of v, so the result will be independent of v. As a result, B(v) is independent of v, and is instead dependent on the constant a
Torsten 2024-7-29
编辑:Torsten 2024-7-29
I don't understand the relation between your graphs and Proposition 4. What is v ? Why is b plotted as y-axis and not as x-axis for it seems to be the independent variable ?



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