Hi @Yogesh,
Please see my response to your comments, “I am trying to generate White noise source for my phase modulation technique.The procedure is to pass the signal through a rectangular band filter to imprint the sinc envelope onto the waveform.”
L = 10; % [m] Fiber length
PS = 1;
n = 1.45;
eps0 = 8.854e-12; % [F/m] Vacuum permittivity
mu0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7; %[H/m] Vacuum permeability
c = 2.9979e8; % [m/sec] Speed of light
Z0 = sqrt(mu0 / eps0); %[Ohm] Vacuum impedance
dt = 6e-12;
dz = dt * c / n; % Spacial and Temporal step sizes
Fs = 1 / dt;
N = round(L / dz); % Fiber length discretization
T = 10 * 2 * L * n / c; % Time taken for 10 round trips
Nt = round(T / dt);
% Material characteristics
A = 80e-12; % [m^2] Fiber's effective area
I1_0 = PS / A;
% Generating White Noise
white_noise = randn(1, Nt); % Generating white noise signal
% Phase Modulation Technique
phase_modulated_signal = sin(2 * pi * white_noise); % Phase modulation
% Rectangular Band Filter to Imprint Sinc Envelope
sinc_envelope = sinc(linspace(-5, 5, Nt)); % Generating sinc envelope
filtered_signal = conv(phase_modulated_signal, sinc_envelope, 'same'); % Filtering the signal
% Plotting
title('White Noise Signal');
title('Phase Modulated Signal');
title('Filtered Signal with Sinc Envelope');
So, in the provided modified code, generated white noise using randn function. Performed phase modulation on the white noise signal, created a sinc envelope using the sinc function, filtered the phase-modulated signal with the sinc envelope using convolution and finally, plot the white noise signal, phase-modulated signal, and the filtered signal with the sinc envelope. Please see attached plot.

Hope this is what you were looking for.