Using Shortcuts in MATLAB

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello Everyone , I am a VS Code user and new to MATLAB , I have many extensions in VS Code which makes my work easier and effortless I feel that MATLAB is missing some of these features. for example , in VS Code, I frequently use Shift + Alt + Down Arrow or Up Arrow to duplicate lines, but I couldn’t find a similar command in the MATLAB documentation. I also use several commands repetitively. Is there a way to create shortcuts for these commands in MATLAB? Additionally, I’d like to know if it’s possible to customize these shortcuts, as I am accustomed to different keybindings, and MATLAB’s default shortcuts are not quite what I’m used to. I am using windows , Could someone please assist me with this?
  2 个评论
Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith 2024-7-30
编辑:Pavan Sahith 2024-7-30
Hi Harry
you can use 'Ctrl+Shift+c' to duplicate lines in MATLAB
Harry verelst
Harry verelst 2024-7-30
Thanks it works, I couldn’t find this information in the documentation, so I assumed MATLAB didn’t support it



Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith 2024-7-30
编辑:Pavan Sahith 2024-8-1
Hello ,
I see that you are trying to optimize your workflow in MATLAB by using keyboard shortcuts,
In MATLAB, you can duplicate lines using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C
You can find this similar MATLAB Answers post helpful
You can also customize the current set of keyboard shortcuts through MATLAB Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences by following these steps:
  1. Open the Preferences window from the Home tab by clicking on Preferences.
  2. Navigate to Keyboard and then Shortcuts.
Moreover, you can add shortcuts for frequently used commands by using the Add to Favourites’ feature within the MATLAB Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences.
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation to know more:
Hope this helps you in getting started

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