How to Calculate Higher-Order Derivatives

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There exists a fifth-order implicit function (curve) such that f(x,y)=a (a is a constant)
For example, x^5+x^4*y^1+x^3*y^2+x^2*y^3+x^1*y^4+y^5=10
There exists a 3-dimensional surface such that g(x,y)=z.
For example, z=x^5+xy+y^5
Next, find the cubic curve g(x,y)=z along f(x,y)=a
Then, on the curve z, we want to find (x,y) where dz/dx=0 and dz/dy=0.
  20 个评论
Umar 2024-8-2

Hi @ 高木 範明,

To address, “ the usual parametric form for the implicitly defined curve in 3d is c(t) = (c1(t),c2(t),c3(t)) for t taken from an 1d-interval.”

Again, you have to define the functions h and k based on the given equation z=h(k(v),v).Create a parametric form for the curve c(t) = (c1(t), c2(t), c3(t)) where t is within a 1D interval and then solve the system of equations to find the values of c1(t), c2(t), and c3(t) for the given interval of t. Please see attached plot.

高木 範明
高木 範明 2024-8-5
To: Umar - san
% => We have included our comments between the lines.
% => Thank you for your detailed explanation. Although I did not understand some parts, I will close this case because I can do what I want to do.
Umar 2024 8 2 3:50
Hi @高木 範明 ,
Sorry, it took some time to research by going through some online publications. You mentioned, what I want is not dz/dx and dz/dy for z=g(x,y), but dz/du and dz/dv for the new curve z=h(u,v) where z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0 cross. More troublesome is that z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0 are fifth order expressions, so there are five equations, which complicates the process.
% => I apologize for the great inconvenience.
So, a simple way to solve will be first defining symbolic variables x, y, z, u, and v, g(x,y) and f(x,y) as fifth-order expressions. Then, set up the system of equations based on z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0 and solve the system of equations to find the intersection points. Then, calculate the partial derivatives dz/du and dz/dv and finally generate a 3D plot to visualize the curve z=h(u,v) based on the solutions.
% => Yes, I understand the story.
syms x y z u v; % Define symbolic variables
% Define g(x,y) and f(x,y) as fifth-order expressions
g = x^5 + y^5;
f = x^5 - y^5;
% Set up the system of equations
eq1 = z - g;
eq2 = f;
% Solve the system of equations
[solx, soly, solz] = solve([eq1 == 0, eq2 == 0], [x, y, z]);
% => solx=0, soly=0, solz=0
% Isn't z a value, not a symbol?
% Calculate partial derivatives dz/du and dz/dv
dzdu = diff(solz, u);
dzdv = diff(solz, v);
% => Since solx=0, soly=0, solz=0,
% we have dz/du=0 dz/dv=0. (Cannot get the equation.)
% Generate 3D plot
[u_values, v_values] = meshgrid(-10:0.1:10, -10:0.1:10);
z_values = subs(solz, {x, y}, {u_values, v_values});
% => Define a mesh grid of (u,v).
% Define the u, v, and z values for the surface plot
u_values = linspace(-2, 2, 100);
v_values = linspace(-2, 2, 100);
[u_mesh, v_mesh] = meshgrid(u_values, v_values);
% => Here again, different (u,v) mesh grids are defined. ??
z_values = sin(u_mesh) .* cos(v_mesh);
% Create the 3D surface plot
surf(u_mesh, v_mesh, z_values);
title('3D Plot of z = h(u,v)');
% Please see attached plot.
% Then, I modified the above code to add the hold on; command to enable plotting intersect points on the existing 3D surface plot by using scatter3 function to plot the intersect points calculated earlier in red color. This modification enhances the visualization by showing both the surface plot and the intersect points in the same 3D plot.
% Create the 3D surface plot with intersect points
surf(u_mesh, v_mesh, z_values);
hold on; % Enable plotting intersect points
scatter3(solx, soly, solz, 'r', 'filled'); % Plot intersect points in red
% => Since solx, soly, and solz are all zero, a red dot appears at (0,0,0).
title('3D Plot of z = h(u,v) with Intersect Points');
% Now, addressing your query, if possible, could you please give me a concrete example of your next instruction? Make sure to provide an initial guess for the variables and call fsolve with your implicit function, something like this"
To calculate dz/du and dz/dv for the new curve z=h(u,v) where z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0 intersect, you can use the implicit function theorem. Here's a simplified example to illustrate the process , assuming z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0 are given by:
% Define g(x,y) and f(x,y) functions
syms x y z
g = x^2 + y^2 - 1; % Example function g(x,y)
f = x^2 - y^2; % Example function f(x,y)
% To find the intersection point, you can use fsolve with an initial guess:
% Define the system of equations
eq1 = @(vars) vars(1)^2 + vars(2)^2 - 1;
eq2 = @(vars) vars(2) - vars(3);
eq3 = @(vars) vars(1) + vars(3)^2 - 2;
% Updated initial guess for x, y, z
initial_guess = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]; % Adjusted initial guess
% Updated options for fsolve with tighter function tolerance
options = optimoptions('fsolve', 'FunctionTolerance', 1e-10); % Tightened function tolerance
% Solve the system of equations with the updated options
solution = fsolve(@(vars) [eq1(vars), eq2(vars), eq3(vars)], initial_guess, options);
disp(solution); % Display the solution
% => I am not sure about this, including the convergence method,
% so let me learn a bit about it.
% Note: After executing system of equations, it displayed following message
% No solution found. fsolve stopped because the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient, but the vector of function values is not near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance. criteria details 0.4007 0.9815 1.2247
% The reason solver stopped without finding a solution because the stopping criteria indicates that the gradient is regular, but the function values are not close to zero based on the function tolerance. So, this outcome is suggesting that the initial guess or the equations themselves may need adjustment to achieve convergence. So, as you can see when dealing with nonlinear systems of equations that fsolve struggles to converge on, you need to use an alternative method for a different solver or algorithm. So, one effective approach that I could think of was using the lsqnonlin function in MATLAB, which is specifically designed for solving nonlinear least-squares problems.
% So, after executing system of equations again, it found the solution as described below.
% Define the system of equations
eq1 = @(vars) vars(1)^2 + vars(2)^2 - 1;
eq2 = @(vars) vars(2) - vars(3);
eq3 = @(vars) vars(1) + vars(3)^2 - 2;
% Updated initial guess for x, y, z
initial_guess = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1];
% Define the objective function for lsqnonlin
objective = @(vars) [eq1(vars); eq2(vars); eq3(vars)];
% Solve the system of equations with lsqnonlin
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin', 'FunctionTolerance', 1e-15,'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 1e4);
solution = lsqnonlin(objective, initial_guess, [], [], options);
disp(solution); % Display the solution
% => I understood that this one has good convergence.
% Local minimum found.Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less thanthe value of the optimality tolerance. criteria details 0.4007 0.9815 1.2247
% So, you can see that the message "Local minimum found" indicates that the optimization algorithm has converged to a local minimum, which means it has found a solution where the objective function cannot be further minimized in the vicinity of the current solution. The additional message about the gradient size being less than the optimality tolerance signifies that the algorithm stopped because the gradient (a measure of the function's slope) at the solution point was sufficiently small, indicating proximity to a minimum. The values displayed after the stopping criteria details represent the solution found by lsqnonlin for the variables in the system of equations.
%Finally, create a 3D plot showing the intersection point:
% Plot the intersection point
plot3(solution(1), solution(2), solution(3), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10);
title('Intersection Point of z=g(x,y) and f(x,y)=0');
grid on;
% => Aside from the details, I understood the story.
% I will also suggest utilization of an efficient numerical method like Newton's method to showcase the results besides the lsqnonlin function.
% Let z = g(x, y) be the original function., f(x, y) = 0 represent the constraint equation. Define the new curve as z = h(u, v). by having your system involving five equations due to the fifth-order expressions. So, consider a specific example to illustrate the process. Suppose we have the following functions:
g(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 - 25
f(x, y) = x + y – 7
% The aim is to find the partial derivatives dz/du and dz/dv for z = h(u, v). So, for the numerical method, you need an initial guess for u and v. I will assume, Initial guess: u = 1, v = 2.
% Now, using Newton's method to iteratively solve the system of equations by using algorithm involving updating the initial guess until convergence is achieved.
% Define the functions g(x, y) and f(x, y)
g = @(x, y) x^2 + y^2 - 25;
f = @(x, y) x + y - 7;
% Define the partial derivatives of g and f
dh_du = @(x, y) 2*x;
dh_dv = @(x, y) 2*y;
df_dx = @(x, y) 1;
df_dy = @(x, y) 1;
% Initial guess for u and v
u = 1;
v = 2;
% Newton's method iteration
tolerance = 1e-6;
max_iterations = 100;
iteration = 0;
while iteration < max_iterations
% Compute the Jacobian matrix
J = [dh_du(u, v), dh_dv(u, v); df_dx(u, v), df_dy(u, v)];
% Compute the function values
F = [g(u, v); f(u, v)];
% Solve for the increment
delta = -J \ F;
% Update the variables
u = u + delta(1);
v = v + delta(2);
% Check for convergence
if norm(delta) < tolerance
iteration = iteration + 1;
% Display the final values of u and v
disp(['Final values: u = ', num2str(u), ', v = ', num2str(v)]);
% So, in this example, I have showcased how to calculate partial derivatives for a new curve defined by z = h(u, v) using Newton's method by defining the variables, providing an initial guess, and implementing the numerical method, which can efficiently compute the desired results.



Umar 2024-8-2

Hi @ 高木 範明,

Sorry, forgot to address your query regarding, “the correct equation is: z=h(k(v),v) I would like to calculate this equation”

To calculate the equation z = h(k(v), v), you need to understand how to handle functions of one variable within a surface function. In this case, k(v) is a function of v, and z = h(k(v), v) represents a surface where z depends on both k(v) and v. I will first define the functions h(u, v) and k(v).

% Define the function h(u, v)

function z = h(u, v)

    z = u^2 + v^2; % Example function, replace with your actual function


% Define the function k(v)

function result = k(v)

    result = 2*v; % Example function, replace with your actual function


Next, calculate z = h(k(v), v) using the defined functions by calling the functions k(v) and h(u, v) with appropriate values of v.

v = 3; % Set a value for v

u = k(v); % Calculate k(v)

z = h(u, v); % Calculate z = h(k(v), v)

disp(['The value of z for v = ', num2str(v), ' is ', num2str(z)]);

As an option, if you want to visualize the surface z = h(k(v), v), you can create a meshgrid and plot the surface using the calculated values of z.

% Create a meshgrid for v and u

[v, u] = meshgrid(-10:0.1:10, -10:0.1:10);

% Calculate z = h(k(v), v) for the meshgrid

z = h(k(v), v);

% Plot the surface

surf(u, v, z);




title('Surface Plot of z = h(k(v), v)');

  2 个评论
高木 範明
高木 範明 2024-8-2
To: Umar - san
Thank you very much for your kind explanation. I will read your two previous comments carefully.
Regarding the one previous explanation, I will write my understanding.
If z=(u,v)=u^2+v^2, then (u,v) is a point on a plane and z is a 3D-surface.
On the other hand, if the constraints z=(k(v),v) and k(v)=2v exist, then (u,v)=(k(v),v) becomes the line (2v,v). Therefore, z=(2v)^2+v^2, which is not 3D-survace but 3D-curve.
If my understanding is wrong, I would appreciate your clarification.
Umar 2024-8-2
Hi @ 高木 範明,
Your interpretation is accurate in distinguishing between 3D surfaces and curves based on the given expressions.
z=(u,v)=u^2+v^2, represents a 3D surface in space and z=(2v)^2+v^2 actually represents a 3D curve, specifically a line in space.
I will look forward to your response regarding,“I will read your two previous comments carefully.Regarding the one previous explanation, I will write my understanding.”


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