Bayes Factor functions/packages

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sim 2024-7-31
I am using the following two-sample tests for non-normal distributions:
  1. chi2gof
  2. kstest2
  3. ranksum
  4. kruskalwallis
and I would like to calculate the Bayes Factor as well.
I found the bayesFactor Version 1.0.0 (253 KB) by Bart Krekelberg. However, to the best of my understanfding, that package has a limited number of implemented tests:
  1. One sample t-test (bf.ttest)
  2. Two sample t-test (bf.ttest2)
  3. N-Way Anova with fixed and random effects, including continuous co-variates (bf.anova)
  4. Regression (bf.regression)
  5. Pearson Correlation (bf.corr)
  6. Binomial Test (bf.binom)
  7. Experimental Design & Power Analysis (bf.designAnalysis)
and I am not sure if they can be used as additional analysis to the 4 initially listed ones that I am employing.
Does anyone know if there are other Matlab functions/packages to calculate the Bayes factor, in relation to the two-sample tests I am currently using (i.e. the chi2gof, the kstest2, the ranksum, and the kruskalwallis)?
  7 个评论
Sim 2024-8-2
thanks a lot to everyone @Umar @Walter Roberson @Jeff Miller for your comments!
Many thanks @Umar for your research and suggestion on the way to proceed... it looks a bit complicated at a first sight, I will try it.. :-)
Umar 2024-8-2
Hi @Sim,
No problem, glad to help and good luck 👍 with your project.


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