How to get cluster data after clustering in EEGLAB ?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone
Hello everyone,I'm encountering some difficulties while analyzing EEG data using EEGLab. After clustering ICs using the K-means algorithm, I'm unsure about how to select meaningful clusters for further analysis.Specifically, I'd like to plot ERSPs for a chosen cluster (e.g., cluster 2) and then apply bootstrapping to the entire epoch. Subsequently, I want to set all non-significant ERSP values (p > 0.05) compared to this distribution to zero dB.

回答(1 个)

Pratyush 2024-8-20
Hi Nguyen,
To analyze EEG data using EEGLab in MATLAB, follow these steps:
  • Ensure your dataset and IC clusters are loaded with the 'STUDY' structure.
  • Use 'std_erspplot' to compute ERSPs and obtain p-values for the selected cluster.
  • Set ERSP values with p-values greater than 0.05 to zero dB.
erspDataFiltered = erspData;
erspDataFiltered(erspPvalues > 0.05) = 0;
  • Use MATLAB plotting functions to visualize the filtered ERSP data.
This process helps in identifying meaningful clusters by focusing on significant ERSP changes.


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