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Showing the error "Variable nDimes has an incorrect value"

27 次查看(过去 30 天)
For this problem your code will need to do the following:
  • Accurately determine the number of each coin type present. Use variable names nDimes, nNickels, nQuarters, and nFiftyCents.
  • Calculate the total $ value of coins present. Use variable name USD
The code:
testImageIdx = randi([1,3]);
testCoinImage = imread("testCoinImage" + testImageIdx + ".png");
title("Original Coin Image");
[testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(testCoinImage);
se = strel('disk', 20, 0);
testCoinMask = imfill(testcoinMask, 'holes');
testCoinMask = imerode(testcoinMask, se);
imgFilt = imgaussfilt(MaskedtestCoin, 0.5, 'Padding', "circular", 'FilterDomain', "frequency", 'FilterSize', 3);
faceEdgeMask = edge(imgFilt, "sobel", 0.05, "both");
faceEdgeMask(~testcoinMask) = false;
title("Edge Mask Detection for Valid Coins");
see = strel("disk", 25, 0);
fb = imfill(faceEdgeMask, "holes");
Bw2 = imdilate(fb, see);
validCoinMask = Bw2 & testcoinMask;
set = strel("disk", 2, 0);
validCoinMask = imdilate(validCoinMask, set);
montage({testcoinMask, validCoinMask});
title("testcoinMask vs ValidCoinMask");
coinSizes = regionprops("table", validCoinMask, "Area");
nDimes = coinSizes.Area < 1100;
nDimes = sum(nDimes);
nNickels = (coinSizes.Area > 1100 & coinSizes.Area < 2200);
nNickels = sum(nNickels);
nQuarters = (coinSizes.Area > 2200 & coinSizes.Area < 3200);
nQuarters = sum(nQuarters);
nFiftyCents = coinSizes.Area >= 3200;
nFiftyCents = sum(nFiftyCents);
USD = (nDimes * 0.10) + (nNickels * 0.05) + (nQuarters * 0.25) + (nFiftyCents * 0.50);
function [testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(X)
X = im2gray(X);
testcoinMask = im2gray(X) > 150;
radius = 12;
decomp = 4;
se = strel('disk', radius, decomp);
testcoinMask = imclose(testcoinMask, se);
MaskedtestCoin = X;
MaskedtestCoin(~testcoinMask) = 0;
  3 个评论
Shah 2024-8-2
In the earlier problems, there were no issues and the code met all the required assessment criterias.


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2024-8-2
编辑:Cris LaPierre 2024-8-2
Inspect the criteria you are using to determine nDimes. Your code finds 11 dimes in each image, which is incorrect.
  2 个评论
Shah 2024-8-3
编辑:Shah 2024-8-3
I have rechecked the detected areas and have adjusted the threshold of dimes, nickels, cents and quarters multiple times but the issue still persists.
@Cris LaPierre, could you please help me in modifying the code? Thank you in advance!
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2024-8-4
编辑:Cris LaPierre 2024-8-4
I believe the issue you are having is that your mask is not the area of the coins. This makes it difficult when using area to distinguish between coin types. Here is the validCoinMask your code is creating:
I had to change the range of areas your code uses to identify the coins, and it still was getting some wrong because of this.
You want your mask to look like this (both are masks for test image 1).

更多回答(2 个)

martin 2024-8-24
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-8-31
testImageIdx = randi([1,3])
testCoinImage = imread("testCoinImage"+testImageIdx+".png");
title("Original Coin Image");
[testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(testCoinImage);
% Shrink the coin mask to focus on the coin regions
se = strel('disk', 20, 0);
testcoinMask = imfill(testcoinMask, 'holes');
testcoinMask = imerode(testcoinMask, se);
% Apply Gaussian filter to the masked coin image
imgFilt = imgaussfilt(MaskedtestCoin, 0.5, 'Padding', 'circular', 'FilterDomain', 'frequency', 'FilterSize', 3);
faceEdgeMask = edge(imgFilt, 'sobel', 0.05, 'both');
% Eliminate edges outside the shrunken coin mask
faceEdgeMask(~testcoinMask) = false;
title("Edge Mask Detection for Valid Coins");
% Refine the edge mask and create valid coin mask
se_dilate = strel('disk', 25, 0);
fb = imfill(faceEdgeMask, 'holes');
Bw2 = imdilate(fb, se_dilate);
validCoinMask = Bw2 & testcoinMask;
se_final = strel('disk', 2, 0);
validCoinMask = imdilate(validCoinMask, se_final);
% Display comparison
montage({testcoinMask, validCoinMask});
title("testcoinMask vs ValidCoinMask");
% Count the number of each type of coin
coinSizes = regionprops('table', validCoinMask, 'Area');
nDimes = nnz(coinSizes.Area < 1100);
nNickels = nnz(coinSizes.Area >= 1100 & coinSizes.Area < 2200);
nQuarters = nnz(coinSizes.Area >= 2200 & coinSizes.Area < 3200);
nFiftyCents = nnz(coinSizes.Area >= 3200);
% Calculate the total USD value
USD = (nDimes * 0.10) + (nNickels * 0.05) + (nQuarters * 0.25) + (nFiftyCents * 0.50);
% Display the total value
disp(['Total USD Value: $', num2str(USD)]);
function [testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(X)
X = im2gray(X);
% Adjust the threshold value as needed
testcoinMask = X > 150;
% Refine mask with morphological operations
radius = 20; % Adjust this value if necessary
se = strel('disk', radius);
testcoinMask = imclose(testcoinMask, se);
testcoinMask = imfill(testcoinMask, 'holes');
MaskedtestCoin = X;
MaskedtestCoin(~testcoinMask) = 0;

krishnaveni 2024-8-31
testImageIdx = randi([1,3])
testCoinImage = imread("testCoinImage"+testImageIdx+".png");
% Display the original image
title("Original Coin Image");
% Segment the coin from the image
[testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(testCoinImage);
% Perform morphological operations on the mask
se = strel('disk', 20, 0);
testCoinMask = imfill(testcoinMask, 'holes');
testCoinMask = imerode(testCoinMask, se);
% Apply Gaussian filtering and edge detection
imgFilt = imgaussfilt(MaskedtestCoin, 0.5, 'Padding', "circular", 'FilterDomain', "frequency", 'FilterSize', 3);
faceEdgeMask = edge(imgFilt, "sobel", 0.05, "both");
% Apply the edge mask to the coin mask
faceEdgeMask(~testCoinMask) = false;
title("Edge Mask Detection for Valid Coins");
% Refine the edge mask
see = strel("disk", 25, 0);
fb = imfill(faceEdgeMask, "holes");
Bw2 = imdilate(fb, see);
% Create a valid coin mask
validCoinMask = Bw2 & testCoinMask;
set = strel("disk", 2, 0);
validCoinMask = imdilate(validCoinMask, set);
% Display the masks
montage({testCoinMask, validCoinMask});
title("testcoinMask vs ValidCoinMask");
% Calculate coin sizes and classify them
coinSizes = regionprops(validCoinMask, 'Area');
% Initialize counters
nDimes = 0;
nNickels = 0;
nQuarters = 0;
nFiftyCents = 0;
% Define area thresholds for different coins
areaThresholds = struct('Dime', [0, 1100], 'Nickel', [1100, 2200], 'Quarter', [2200, 3200], 'FiftyCent', [3200, Inf]);
% Classify coins based on area
for k = 1:length(coinSizes)
area = coinSizes(k).Area;
if area > areaThresholds.Dime(1) && area <= areaThresholds.Dime(2)
nDimes = nDimes + 1;
elseif area > areaThresholds.Nickel(1) && area <= areaThresholds.Nickel(2)
nNickels = nNickels + 1;
elseif area > areaThresholds.Quarter(1) && area <= areaThresholds.Quarter(2)
nQuarters = nQuarters + 1;
elseif area > areaThresholds.FiftyCent(1)
nFiftyCents = nFiftyCents + 1;
% Calculate total USD
USD = (nDimes * 0.10) + (nNickels * 0.05) + (nQuarters * 0.25) + (nFiftyCents * 0.50);
% Display results
disp(['Number of Dimes: ', num2str(nDimes)]);
disp(['Number of Nickels: ', num2str(nNickels)]);
disp(['Number of Quarters: ', num2str(nQuarters)]);
disp(['Number of Fifty Cents: ', num2str(nFiftyCents)]);
disp(['Total USD: $', num2str(USD)]);
% Function for segmenting coins
function [testcoinMask, MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoin(X)
% Convert to grayscale
X = im2gray(X);
% Create a binary mask based on intensity
testcoinMask = X > 150;
radius = 12;
decomp = 4;
se = strel('disk', radius, decomp);
testcoinMask = imclose(testcoinMask, se);
% Mask the coin from the image
MaskedtestCoin = X;
MaskedtestCoin(~testcoinMask) = 0;

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