Programmatically to get member data type in In Bus Element Block

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone
i would like to get data type of member in the bus element
could anyone suggest me with an example code

回答(5 个)

Ganesh 2024-8-6
I have created and uploaded an example file with an "Out Bus Element Block" and shown how to access the "Data Type" in the following code:
block = Simulink.findBlocksOfType(bdroot,'Outport');
portname = get_param(block(1),'PortName');
% Here, we have only one Outport, you might need to modify in order to specify
% which block corresponds to Out Bus Element
param = get_param([bdroot '/' portname '.Signal.signal1'],'DataType')
param = 'int64'
Further, you can use the following documentation which illustrates the ability to set a parameter, and use the convention to get parameters too:
Hope this helps!
  7 个评论


Raghava S N
Raghava S N 2024-8-7
To programmatically obtain the data type attribute value of an In Bus Element, the function “get_param” should be used. The data type attribute value of an In Bus Element corresponds to the parameter ‘OutDataTypeStr’. This parameter should be passed to the “get_param” function, to programmatically obtain the data type of the bus element. For more information, refer to this documentation link of the function “get_param” -
get_param("<path_to_OutBus>/OutBus.NestedBus.Chirp", "OutDataTypeStr")
Note: Modify the path so that it corresponds to the correct location of OutBus” in your model.
Please refer to this documentation link for more details on programmatically accessing attributes of the In Bus Element -,Attributes,-To%20specify%20attributes
Hope this helps!

Adarsh 2024-9-25
Thanks you very much

Adarsh 2024-9-25
Thanks you very much

Adarsh 2024-9-25
Ok thank you


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