Finding multiple Matrix in a txt file
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Carl Magnus
I want to do radiobiological calculations for structures in a patient with two different plans. I have a txt file with all the data in it. The txt file contains among other things the biological structure (which exists in both plans), the biological data in two columns and two rows that specifies what plan and what structure it is.
I know how to code the math to do the calculations, but how do I most easy read the text file and store each plans column in like a matrix?
For example (in my own dumb coding brain) I would like matlab to "Search a txt file that has a certain name that the user can specify. For a specific organ like the bladder, put the data in a variable called something like "Bladder Plan 1" and "Bladder Plan 2". Do math. Do same for all other organs. Put result in a report. Save as pdf or file". I hope that the wonderful Matlab community can help me, since I am no Matrix wizard with coding.
For all patients the structures all have the same naming convention, so I guess I could specify somewhere/somehow what organs should be searched for in the text file and what I would like the variable to be called, so that the search in the text file could go quick.
If anyone has any tips and suggestions that would be great. I have attached an anonymized txt file of how it could look like.
1 个评论
It will take a fair amount of parsing the file -- probably by searching for keywords because it appears the length of the file(s) may be different given that the Comment and Description fields almost certainly can't be assumed to always have the same number of lines so fixed lines for a given variable won't work.
That's not too bad, but it does mean having a dictionary of the things you need to locate stored somewhere; either as constants in the code or as a data file that you read in and use.
Do NOT try to go down the route of trying to name variables; that leads to very difficult-to-write (and even harder to debug) inefficient and slow code. Instead, use struct field names that are able to be coded programmatically. See <Structures>, particularly relevant will be the section on field names from variables.
回答(2 个)
"For example (in my own dumb coding brain) I would like matlab to "Search a txt file that has a certain name that the user can specify. For a specific organ like the bladder, put the data in a variable called something like "Bladder Plan 1" and "Bladder Plan 2"."
Rather than "searching" a file for particular content I would convert the entire file content in one go. "Searching" in a table is likely going to be simpler and more efficient:
txt = fileread('Breast.txt');
tkn = regexp(txt,'(Structure:.*(\s+.+:.*)+)\s*:\s+(.+\])\s*(.+\])(\s+\S*\d\S*)+','tokens','dotexceptnewline');
tkn = vertcat(tkn{:});
hdr = regexp(tkn(:,1),'(\S.+):(.*)','tokens','dotexceptnewline');
out = hdr;
for k = 1:numel(hdr)
% header
tmp = strtrim(hdr{k});
tmp = vertcat(tmp{:});
vec = str2double(tmp(:,2));
idx = ~isnan(vec);
tmp(idx,2) = num2cell(vec(idx));
hdr{k} = cell2table(tmp(:,2).', 'VariableNames',tmp(:,1));
% matrix
mat = sscanf(tkn{k,end},'%f',[2,Inf]).';
out{k} = array2table(mat, 'VariableNames',tkn(k,2:3));
hdr = vertcat(hdr{:}) % all headers in one table:
hdr = 36x21 table
Structure Approval Status Plan Course Volume [cm³] Dose Cover.[%] Sampling Cover.[%] Min Dose [Gy] Max Dose [Gy] Mean Dose [Gy] Modal Dose [Gy] Median Dose [Gy] STD [Gy] Equiv. Sphere Diam. [cm] Conformity Index Gradient Measure [cm] Dose Level [Gy] RTOG CI Paddick CI GI ICRU83 HI
_____________________ _______________ _____________ ____________________ ____________ ______________ __________________ _____________ _____________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ________ ________________________ ________________ _____________________ _______________ __________ __________ __________ __________
{'A_CoronaryD_L' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 6.6 100 100.3 1.736 10.735 5.124 4.869 5.11 1.447 2.3 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'A_CoronaryD_L' } {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 6.5 100 100.4 0 4.839 0.685 0 0.428 0.679 2.3 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'BODY' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 45131 100 100.1 0 45.295 8.095 0.003 1.853 11.701 44.2 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTVN_L_40.05(IMN)'} {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 5.9 100 100.3 39.708 41.739 40.765 40.878 40.786 0.315 2.2 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTVN_L_40.05(IMN)'} {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 6.2 100 100 38.778 42.116 40.314 40.434 40.318 0.443 2.3 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTVN_R_40.05(IMN)'} {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 5.4 100 100.1 39.253 41.769 40.602 40.886 40.64 0.395 2.2 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTVN_R_40.05(IMN)'} {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 6 100 100.3 39.041 42.338 40.609 40.601 40.619 0.476 2.3 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTV_L_40.05' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 782.3 100 100 36.233 43.285 40.511 40.644 40.555 0.869 11.4 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTV_L_40.05' } {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 846.2 100 100 38.468 43.193 40.133 40.218 40.113 0.387 11.7 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTV_R_40.05' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 560.1 100 100 36.383 43.402 40.56 40.531 40.559 0.831 10.2 {[2.4000]} {[4.9400]} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'CTV_R_40.05' } {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 625.5 100 100 38.33 42.62 40.11 39.996 40.058 0.442 10.6 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'Heart' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 681.7 100 100 0.846 29.017 3.628 2.132 2.965 2.594 10.9 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'Heart' } {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 707.5 100 100 0 30.037 0.519 0.003 0.013 1.896 11.1 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'Lung_L' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 2088.9 100 100 0.174 41.063 11.24 0.698 8.091 9.888 15.9 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'Lung_L' } {'Approved' } {'P1+P2_RBE'} {'C1_bilat mam_DIB'} 2027.1 100 100.1 0 41.979 5.576 0.003 0.626 9.3 15.7 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
{'Lung_R' } {'Unapproved'} {'Vmat' } {'rond_C1' } 2640.2 100 100 0.185 41.215 11.78 0.617 8.192 10.089 17.1 {'N/A' } {'N/A' } {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char} {0x0 char}
Check data matrices:
out{1} % 1st matrix
ans = 453x2 table
Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm³ / Gy]
_________ __________________________
0.05 0
0.15 0
0.25 0
0.35 0
0.45 0
0.55 0
0.65 0
0.75 0
0.85 0
0.95 0
1.05 0
1.15 0
1.25 0
1.35 0
1.45 0
1.55 0
out % all matrices
out = 36x1 cell array
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
{453x2 table}
Star Strider
编辑:Star Strider
This works. It is not as elegant as I would like, however I cannot imagine any other way to parse this file.
The variable names are some subset of ‘Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm² / Gy]’ however I cannot figure out how to parse that into two variable names for the ‘Tseg’ tables.
Try this —
T = fileread('Breast.txt')
T =
'Patient Name :
Patient ID :
Comment : DVHs for multiple plans and plan sums
Date : den 16 maj 2024 07:29:00
Exported by :
Type : Differential Dose Volume Histogram
Description : The differential DVH displays the share of the total
volume in structures receiving a given dose as
a function of equivalent dose intervals. In the data,
below, dose values correspond to the center of the
dose interval.
Plan: Vmat
Course: rond_C1
Plan Status: Unapproved
Total dose [Gy]: 40.050
% for dose (%): 100.0
Plan: P1+P2_RBE
Course: C1_bilat mam_DIB
Total dose [Gy]: not defined
% for dose (%): not defined
Structure: A_CoronaryD_L
Approval Status: Unapproved
Plan: Vmat
Course: rond_C1
Volume [cm³]: 6.6
Dose Cover.[%]: 100.0
Sampling Cover.[%]: 100.3
Min Dose [Gy]: 1.736
Max Dose [Gy]: 10.735
Mean Dose [Gy]: 5.124
Modal Dose [Gy]: 4.869
Median Dose [Gy]: 5.110
STD [Gy]: 1.447
Equiv. Sphere Diam. [cm]: 2.3
Conformity Index: N/A
Gradient Measure [cm]: N/A
Dose Level [Gy]:
Paddick CI:
Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm³ / Gy]
0.05 0
0.15 0
0.25 0
0.35 0
0.45 0
0.55 0
0.65 0
0.75 0
0.85 0
0.95 0
1.05 0
1.15 0
1.25 0
1.35 0
1.45 0
1.55 0
1.65 0
1.75 0.0861798
1.85 0.465635
1.95 0.550159
2.05 0.544077
2.15 0.561427
2.25 0.617491
2.35 0.63141
2.45 0.635322
2.55 0.615348
2.65 0.55521
2.75 0.483779
2.85 0.438797
2.95 0.411087
3.05 0.400214
3.15 0.37796
3.25 0.358385
3.35 0.357727
3.45 0.370298
3.55 0.354021
3.65 0.379619
3.75 0.48093
3.85 0.531724
3.95 0.671821
4.05 0.768688
4.15 0.919559
4.25 1.19435
4.35 1.41947
4.45 1.65157
4.55 2.04031
4.65 2.4742
4.75 2.84074
4.85 2.8949
4.95 2.86848
5.05 2.78999
5.15 2.67086
5.25 2.51053
5.35 2.3845
5.45 2.20764
5.55 2.04455
5.65 1.91436
5.75 1.77475
5.85 1.64265
5.95 1.52508
6.05 1.40636
6.15 1.31226
6.25 1.20636
6.35 1.10553
6.45 0.989644
6.55 0.869578
6.65 0.750781
6.75 0.641856
6.85 0.556755
6.95 0.503714
7.05 0.447261
7.15 0.397325
7.25 0.348075
7.35 0.313082
7.45 0.283522
7.55 0.253657
7.65 0.230688
7.75 0.217573
7.85 0.206108
7.95 0.194063
8.05 0.186259
8.15 0.173471
8.25 0.160599
8.35 0.156718
8.45 0.148891
8.55 0.13556
8.65 0.132536
8.75 0.127561
8.85 0.1183
8.95 0.11209
9.05 0.105477
9.15 0.0980061
9.25 0.0911941
9.35 0.0850189
9.45 0.0789499
9.55 0.0726154
9.65 0.0687743
9.75 0.062063
9.85 0.0546277
9.95 0.0480552
10.05 0.0373432
10.15 0.035005
10.25 0.0349497
10.35 0.0270463
10.45 0.0164008
10.55 0.012698
10.65 0.00751557
10.75 0.000742578
10.85 0
10.95 0
11.05 0
11.15 0
11.25 0
11.35 0
11.45 0
11.55 0
11.65 0
11.75 0
11.85 0
11.95 0
12.05 0
12.15 0
12.25 0
12.35 0
12.45 0
12.55 0
12.65 0
12.75 0
12.85 0
12.95 0
13.05 0
13.15 0
13.25 0
13.35 0
13.45 0
13.55 0
13.65 0
13.75 0
13.85 0
13.95 0
14.05 0
14.15 0
14.25 0
14.35 0
14.45 0
14.55 0
14.65 0
14.75 0
14.85 0
14.95 0
15.05 0
15.15 0
15.25 0
15.35 0
15.45 0
15.55 0
15.65 0
15.75 0
15.85 0
15.95 0
16.05 0
16.15 0
16.25 0
16.35 0
16.45 0
16.55 0
16.65 0
16.75 0
16.85 0
16.95 0
17.05 0
17.15 0
17.25 0
17.35 0
17.45 0
17.55 0
17.65 0
17.75 0
17.85 0
17.95 0
18.05 0
18.15 0
18.25 0
18.35 0
18.45 0
18.55 0
18.65 0
18.75 0
18.85 0
18.95 0
19.05 0
19.15 0
19.25 0
19.35 0
19.45 0
19.55 0
19.65 0
19.75 0
19.85 0
19.95 0
20.05 0
20.15 0
20.25 0
20.35 0
20.45 0
20.55 0
20.65 0
20.75 0
20.85 0
20.95 0
21.05 0
21.15 0
21.25 0
21.35 0
21.45 0
21.55 0
21.65 0
21.75 0
21.85 0
21.95 0
22.05 0
22.15 0
22.25 0
22.35 0
22.45 0
22.55 0
22.65 0
22.75 0
22.85 0
22.95 0
23.05 0
23.15 0
23.25 0
23.35 0
23.45 0
23.55 0
23.65 0
23.75 0
23.85 0
23.95 0
24.05 0
24.15 0
24.25 0
24.35 0
24.45 0
24.55 0
24.65 0
24.75 0
24.85 0
24.95 0
25.05 0
25.15 0
25.25 0
25.35 0
25.45 0
25.55 0
25.65 0
25.75 0
25.85 0
25.95 0
26.05 0
26.15 0
26.25 0
26.35 0
26.45 0
26.55 0
26.65 0
26.75 0
26.85 0
26.95 0
27.05 0
27.15 0
27.25 0
27.35 0
27.45 0
27.55 0
27.65 0
27.75 0
27.85 0
27.95 0
28.05 0
28.15 0
28.25 0
28.35 0
28.45 0
28.55 0
28.65 0
28.75 0
28.85 0
28.95 0
29.05 0
29.15 0
29.25 0
29.35 0
29.45 0
29.55 0
29.65 0
29.75 0
29.85 0
29.95 0
30.05 0
30.15 0
30.25 0
30.35 0
30.45 0
30.55 0
30.65 0
30.75 0
30.85 0
30.95 0
31.05 0
31.15 0
31.25 0
31.35 0
31.45 0
31.55 0
31.65 0
31.75 0
31.85 0
31.95 0
32.05 0
32.15 0
32.25 0
32.35 0
32.45 0
32.55 0
32.65 0
32.75 0
32.85 0
32.95 0
33.05 0
33.15 0
33.25 0
33.35 0
33.45 0
33.55 0
33.65 0
33.75 0
33.85 0
33.95 0
34.05 0
34.15 0
34.25 0
34.35 0
34.45 0
34.55 0
34.65 0
34.75 0
34.85 0
34.95 0
35.05 0
35.15 0
35.25 0
35.35 0
35.45 0
35.55 0
35.65 0
35.75 0
35.85 0
35.95 0
36.05 0
36.15 0
36.25 0
36.35 0
36.45 0
36.55 0
36.65 0
36.75 0
36.85 0
36.95 0
37.05 0
37.15 0
37.25 0
37.35 0
37.45 0
37.55 0
37.65 0
37.75 0
37.85 0
37.95 0
38.05 0
38.15 0
38.25 0
38.35 0
38.45 0
38.55 0
38.65 0
38.75 0
38.85 0
38.95 0
39.05 0
39.15 0
39.25 0
39.35 0
39.45 0
39.55 0
39.65 0
39.75 0
39.85 0
39.95 0
40.05 0
40.15 0
40.25 0
40.35 0
40.45 0
40.55 0
40.65 0
40.75 0
40.85 0
40.95 0
41.05 0
41.15 0
41.25 0
41.35 0
41.45 0
41.55 0
41.65 0
41.75 0
41.85 0
41.95 0
42.05 0
42.15 0
42.25 0
42.35 0
42.45 0
42.55 0
42.65 0
42.75 0
42.85 0
42.95 0
43.05 0
43.15 0
43.25 0
43.35 0
43.45 0
43.55 0
43.65 0
43.75 0
43.85 0
43.95 0
44.05 0
44.15 0
44.25 0
44.35 0
44.45 0
44.55 0
44.65 0
44.75 0
44.85 0
44.95 0
45.05 0
45.15 0
45.25 0
Structure: A_CoronaryD_L
Approval Status: Approved
Plan: P1+P2_RBE
Course: C1_bilat mam_DIB
Volume [cm³]: 6.5
Dose Cover.[%]: 100.0
Sampling Cover.[%]: 100.4
Min Dose [Gy]: 0.000
Max Dose [Gy]: 4.839
Mean Dose [Gy]: 0.685
Modal Dose [Gy]: 0.000
Median Dose [Gy]: 0.428
STD [Gy]: 0.679
Equiv. Sphere Diam. [cm]: 2.3
Conformity Index: N/A
Gradient Measure [cm]: N/A
Dose Level [Gy]:
Paddick CI:
Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm³ / Gy]
0.05 5.3027
0.15 13.7292
0.25 7.32877
0.35 5.05245
0.45 3.99588
0.55 3.3434
0.65 2.93004
0.75 2.67848
0.85 2.42425
0.95 2.19167
1.05 1.97434
1.15 1.75324
1.25 1.54522
1.35 1.37743
1.45 1.24824
1.55 1.12533
1.65 1.01212
1.75 0.904599
1.85 0.81329
1.95 0.71735
2.05 0.627117
2.15 0.547504
2.25 0.458907
2.35 0.38816
2.45 0.304956
2.55 0.225332
2.65 0.173182
2.75 0.147484
2.85 0.133272
2.95 0.119316
3.05 0.104506
3.15 0.0897381
3.25 0.0777857
3.35 0.0600303
3.45 0.0483636
3.55 0.0395156
3.65 0.0364912
3.75 0.0340332
3.85 0.0277462
3.95 0.0253256
4.05 0.0234901
4.15 0.0193115
4.25 0.0162297
4.35 0.0124033
4.45 0.00993299
4.55 0.00587573
4.65 0.00157145
4.75 0.00130897
4.85 0.000511667
4.95 0
5.05 0
5.15 0
5.25 0
5.35 0
5.45 0
5.55 0
5.65 0
5.75 0
5.85 0
5.95 0
6.05 0
6.15 0
6.25 0
6.35 0
6.45 0
6.55 0
6.65 0
6.75 0
6.85 0
6.95 0
7.05 0
7.15 0
7.25 0
7.35 0
7.45 0
7.55 0
7.65 0
7.75 0
7.85 0
7.95 0
8.05 0
8.15 0
8.25 0
8.35 0
8.45 0
8.55 0
8.65 0
8.75 0
8.85 0
8.95 0
9.05 0
9.15 0
9.25 0
9.35 0
9.45 0
9.55 0
9.65 0
9.75 0
9.85 0
9.95 0
10.05 0
10.15 0
10.25 0
10.35 0
10.45 0
10.55 0
10.65 0
10.75 0
10.85 0
10.95 0
11.05 0
11.15 0
11.25 0
11.35 0
11.45 0
11.55 0
11.65 0
11.75 0
11.85 0
11.95 0
12.05 0
12.15 0
12.25 0
12.35 0
12.45 0
12.55 0
12.65 0
12.75 0
12.85 0
12.95 0
13.05 0
13.15 0
13.25 0
13.35 0
13.45 0
13.55 0
13.65 0
13.75 0
13.85 0
13.95 0
14.05 0
14.15 0
14.25 0
14.35 0
14.45 0
14.55 0
14.65 0
14.75 0
14.85 0
14.95 0
15.05 0
15.15 0
15.25 0
15.35 0
15.45 0
15.55 0
15.65 0
15.75 0
15.85 0
15.95 0
16.05 0
16.15 0
16.25 0
16.35 0
16.45 0
16.55 0
16.65 0
16.75 0
16.85 0
16.95 0
17.05 0
17.15 0
17.25 0
17.35 0
17.45 0
17.55 0
17.65 0
17.75 0
17.85 0
17.95 0
18.05 0
18.15 0
18.25 0
18.35 0
18.45 0
18.55 0
18.65 0
18.75 0
18.85 0
18.95 0
19.05 0
19.15 0
19.25 0
19.35 0
19.45 0
19.55 0
19.65 0
19.75 0
19.85 0
19.95 0
20.05 0
20.15 0
20.25 0
20.35 0
20.45 0
20.55 0
20.65 0
20.75 0
20.85 0
20.95 0
21.05 0
21.15 0
21.25 0
21.35 0
21.45 0
21.55 0
21.65 0
21.75 0
21.85 0
21.95 0
22.05 0
22.15 0
22.25 0
22.35 0
22.45 0
22.55 0
22.65 0
22.75 0
22.85 0
22.95 0
23.05 0
23.15 0
23.25 0
23.35 0
23.45 0
23.55 0
23.65 0
23.75 0
23.85 0
23.95 0
24.05 0
24.15 0
24.25 0
24.35 0
24.45 0
24.55 0
24.65 0
24.75 0
24.85 0
24.95 0
25.05 0
25.15 0
25.25 0
25.35 0
25.45 0
25.55 0
25.65 0
25.75 0
25.85 0
25.95 0
26.05 0
26.15 0
26.25 0
26.35 0
26.45 0
26.55 0
26.65 0
26.75 0
26.85 0
26.95 0
27.05 0
27.15 0
27.25 0
27.35 0
27.45 0
27.55 0
27.65 0
27.75 0
27.85 0
27.95 0
28.05 0
28.15 0
28.25 0
28.35 0
28.45 0
28.55 0
28.65 0
28.75 0
28.85 0
28.95 0
29.05 0
29.15 0
29.25 0
29.35 0
29.45 0
29.55 0
29.65 0
29.75 0
29.85 0
29.95 0
30.05 0
30.15 0
30.25 0
30.35 0
30.45 0
30.55 0
30.65 0
30.75 0
30.85 0
30.95 0
31.05 0
31.15 0
31.25 0
31.35 0
31.45 0
31.55 0
31.65 0
31.75 0
31.85 0
31.95 0
32.05 0
32.15 0
32.25 0
32.35 0
32.45 0
32.55 0
32.65 0
32.75 0
32.85 0
32.95 0
33.05 0
33.15 0
33.25 0
33.35 0
33.45 0
33.55 0
33.65 0
33.75 0
33.85 0
33.95 0
34.05 0
34.15 0
34.25 0
34.35 0
34.45 0
34.55 0
34.65 0
34.75 0
34.85 0
34.95 0
35.05 0
35.15 0
35.25 0
35.35 0
35.45 0
35.55 0
35.65 0
35.75 0
35.85 0
35.95 0
36.05 0
36.15 0
36.25 0
36.35 0
36.45 0
36.55 0
36.65 0
36.75 0
36.85 0
36.95 0
37.05 0
37.15 0
37.25 0
37.35 0
37.45 0
37.55 0
37.65 0
37.75 0
37.85 0
37.95 0
38.05 0
38.15 0
38.25 0
38.35 0
38.45 0
38.55 0
38.65 0
38.75 0
38.85 0
38.95 0
39.05 0
39.15 0
39.25 0
39.35 0
39.45 0
39.55 0
39.65 0
39.75 0
39.85 0
39.95 0
40.05 0
40.15 0
40.25 0
40.35 0
40.45 0
40.55 0
40.65 0
40.75 0
40.85 0
40.95 0
41.05 0
41.15 0
41.25 0
41.35 0
41.45 0
41.55 0
41.65 0
41.75 0
41.85 0
41.95 0
42.05 0
42.15 0
42.25 0
42.35 0
42.45 0
42.55 0
42.65 0
42.75 0
42.85 0
42.95 0
43.05 0
43.15 0
43.25 0
43.35 0
43.45 0
43.55 0
43.65 0
43.75 0
43.85 0
43.95 0
44.05 0
44.15 0
44.25 0
44.35 0
44.45 0
44.55 0
44.65 0
44.75 0
44.85 0
44.95 0
45.05 0
45.15 0
45.25 0
Structure: BODY
Approval Status: Unapproved
Plan: Vmat
Course: rond_C1
Volume [cm³]: 45131.3
Dose Cover.[%]: 100.0
Sampling Cover.[%]: 100.1
Min Dose [Gy]: 0.000
Max Dose [Gy]: 45.295
Mean Dose [Gy]: 8.095
Modal Dose [Gy]: 0.003
Median Dose [Gy]: 1.853
STD [Gy]: 11.701
Equiv. Sphere Diam. [cm]: 44.2
Conformity Index: N/A
Gradient Measure [cm]: N/A
Dose Level [Gy]:
Paddick CI:
Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm³ / Gy]
0.05 95135.7
0.15 24389.4
0.25 15028.5
0.35 11880.8
0.45 10229.5
0.55 8881.7
0.65 7667.19
0.75 6765.12
0.85 6276.4
0.95 5877.97
1.05 5403.81
1.15 4958.13
1.25 4528.78
1.35 4121.92
1.45 3735.41
1.55 3390.64
1.65 3097.2
1.75 2859.71
1.85 2647.92
1.95 2464.63
2.05 2305.66
2.15 2165.2
2.25 2050.3
2.35 1957.91
2.45 1866.44
2.55 1775.91
2.65 1700.67
2.75 1642.45
2.85 1581.17
2.95 1537.73
3.05 1485.89
3.15 1455.49
3.25 1448.81
3.35 1437.93
3.45 1442.96
3.55 1462.6
3.65 1478.76
3.75 1507.14
3.85 1525.78
3.95 1575.44
4.05 1577.03
4.15 1596.99
4.25 1628.32
4.35 1613.57
4.45 1580.2
4.55 1551.25
4.65 1528.12
4.75 1517.44
4.85 1470.88
4.95 1446.2
5.05 1424.06
5.15 1395.96
5.25 1352.18
5.35 1323.96
5.45 1302.94
5.55 1282.26
5.65 1265.41
5.75 1248.31
5.85 1207.75
5.95 1174.64
6.05 1151.26
6.15 1132.52
6.25 1121.84
6.35 1109.26
6.45 1092.53
6.55 1076.74
6.65 1074.42
6.75 1071.21
6.85 1055.48
6.95 1029.94
7.05 1006.02
7.15 981.008
7.25 954.385
7.35 925.42
7.45 908.224
7.55 892.844
7.65 886.241
7.75 876.428
7.85 867.068
7.95 854.604
8.05 847.92
8.15 835.553
8.25 827.758
8.35 814.573
8.45 806.189
8.55 800.804
8.65 796.585
8.75 793.011
8.85 789.874
8.95 787.718
9.05 781.502
9.15 776.362
9.25 773.99
9.35 766.745
9.45 759.659
9.55 748.747
9.65 737.107
9.75 727.984
9.85 721.967
9.95 714.036
10.05 708.209
10.15 703.593
10.25 699.395
10.35 693.915
10.45 688.738
10.55 683.412
10.65 679.984
10.75 675.645
10.85 672.385
10.95 665.984
11.05 662.374
11.15 658.676
11.25 654.678
11.35 650.634
11.45 646.857
11.55 646.359
11.65 640.183
11.75 637.876
11.85 636.528
11.95 635.856
12.05 635.08
12.15 630.864
12.25 629.797
12.35 627.834
12.45 625.968
12.55 620.948
12.65 615.927
12.75 614.228
12.85 615.447
12.95 611.175
13.05 609.901
13.15 611.693
13.25 609.874
13.35 604.156
13.45 603.136
13.55 601.394
13.65 601.602
13.75 599.649
13.85 595.249
13.95 593.983
14.05 592.704
14.15 591.373
14.25 586.189
14.35 582.185
14.45 579.191
14.55 580.376
14.65 577.381
14.75 575.59
14.85 573.776
14.95 571.499
15.05 569.6
15.15 565.986
15.25 563.931
15.35 558.743
15.45 556.728
15.55 555.643
15.65 554.309
15.75 553.168
15.85 551.022
15.95 546.938
16.05 544.336
16.15 540.889
16.25 536.513
16.35 535.682
16.45 540.967
16.55 534.954
16.65 526.631
16.75 516.546
16.85 510.042
16.95 503.792
17.05 497.88
17.15 492.108
17.25 491.953
17.35 485.383
17.45 481.454
17.55 476.241
17.65 474.916
17.75 470.46
17.85 468.714
17.95 462.263
18.05 461.093
18.15 456.617
18.25 452.256
18.35 452.58
18.45 449.956
18.55 444.869
18.65 443.082
18.75 439.593
18.85 439.526
18.95 436.532
19.05 432.867
19.15 432.314
19.25 427.797
19.35 423.128
19.45 419.93
19.55 415.952
19.65 413.55
19.75 409.875
19.85 406.199
19.95 404.733
20.05 397.464
20.15 395.001
20.25 391.002
20.35 387.428
20.45 383.47
20.55 379.618
20.65 374.135
20.75 370.249
20.85 365.34
20.95 365.003
21.05 361.515
21.15 356.53
21.25 353.668
21.35 351.671
21.45 349.681
21.55 346.956
21.65 343.95
21.75 337.88
21.85 335.811
21.95 332.269
22.05 328.623
22.15 325.65
22.25 322.51
22.35 317.674
22.45 314.14
22.55 311.444
22.65 309.257
22.75 305.023
22.85 303.219
22.95 300.414
23.05 296.209
23.15 293.621
23.25 292.113
23.35 286.796
23.45 284.56
23.55 282.362
23.65 278.627
23.75 274.881
23.85 272.632
23.95 269.797
24.05 268.184
24.15 266.379
24.25 264.369
24.35 262.168
24.45 258.92
24.55 256.559
24.65 255.83
24.75 254.194
24.85 253.596
24.95 251.661
25.05 250.503
25.15 250.725
25.25 250.911
25.35 249.485
25.45 249.087
25.55 250.179
25.65 249.728
25.75 246.346
25.85 242.761
25.95 242.129
26.05 242.563
26.15 240.767
26.25 241.547
26.35 240.35
26.45 239.131
26.55 237.512
26.65 236.905
26.75 236.037
26.85 234.16
26.95 233.562
27.05 232.103
27.15 231.799
27.25 231.914
27.35 229.356
27.45 228.049
27.55 226.709
27.65 223.712
27.75 223.683
27.85 221.412
27.95 221.028
28.05 218.196
28.15 216.708
28.25 215.143
28.35 213.798
28.45 212.661
28.55 211.025
28.65 210.664
28.75 209.818
28.85 209.41
28.95 207.663
29.05 205.148
29.15 204.36
29.25 203.682
29.35 201.822
29.45 201.547
29.55 200.979
29.65 198.823
29.75 199.669
29.85 199.652
29.95 198.295
30.05 196.932
30.15 197.389
30.25 197.228
30.35 197.779
30.45 197.348
30.55 198.382
30.65 198.439
30.75 199.146
30.85 200.741
30.95 201.831
31.05 205.021
31.15 205.335
31.25 204.529
31.35 204.633
31.45 204.687
31.55 204.277
31.65 202.535
31.75 201.528
31.85 202.469
31.95 201.845
32.05 200.473
32.15 199.873
32.25 199.917
32.35 199.822
32.45 200.588
32.55 201.967
32.65 202.81
32.75 204.239
32.85 204.628
32.95 204.683
33.05 205.876
33.15 207.368
33.25 209.721
33.35 211.025
33.45 211.309
33.55 213.015
33.65 216.58
33.75 218.602
33.85 220.129
33.95 218.225
34.05 217.706
34.15 216.518
34.25 216.15
34.35 216.108
34.45 215.908
34.55 217.36
34.65 218.364
34.75 221.082
34.85 220.988
34.95 220.68
35.05 222.898
35.15 224.77
35.25 226.416
35.35 228.921
35.45 231.396
35.55 233.69
35.65 234.482
35.75 236.321
35.85 239.271
35.95 241.302
36.05 241.313
36.15 243.338
36.25 245.079
36.35 244.239
36.45 245.689
36.55 247.103
36.65 247.592
36.75 250.178
36.85 250.247
36.95 251.503
37.05 252.181
37.15 253.727
37.25 254.358
37.35 257.66
37.45 260.367
37.55 264.738
37.65 268.197
37.75 274.57
37.85 280.144
37.95 286.744
38.05 294.593
38.15 301.509
38.25 309.496
38.35 322.158
38.45 336.243
38.55 349.773
38.65 368.673
38.75 389.495
38.85 413.692
38.95 436.15
39.05 456.881
39.15 481.31
39.25 515.226
39.35 552.755
39.45 603.441
39.55 657.365
39.65 711.549
39.75 753.859
39.85 797.726
39.95 832.468
40.05 855.924
40.15 864.43
40.25 874.426
40.35 878.712
40.45 869.735
40.55 861.118
40.65 842.378
40.75 813.8
40.85 798.212
40.95 768.298
41.05 712.067
41.15 664.197
41.25 606.556
41.35 545.736
41.45 488.009
41.55 419.609
41.65 359.899
41.75 310.487
41.85 266.528
41.95 221.179
42.05 183.74
42.15 149.928
42.25 118.143
42.35 91.6774
42.45 70.9727
42.55 50.4271
42.65 38.2561
42.75 28.3375
42.85 21.28
42.95 15.6998
43.05 11.4979
43.15 9.78584
43.25 8.50191
43.35 7.66978
43.45 6.82032
43.55 5.85498
43.65 5.41561
43.75 4.84738
43.85 4.45717
43.95 3.91258
44.05 3.48763
44.15 2.81239
44.25 2.15273
44.35 1.80595
44.45 1.47881
44.55 1.24197
44.65 1.09199
44.75 0.870678
44.85 0.667473
44.95 0.50495
45.05 0.394442
45.15 0.26171
45.25 0.0872482
Structure: CTVN_L_40.05(IMN)
Approval Status: Unapproved
Plan: Vmat
Course: rond_C1
Volume [cm³]: 5.9
Dose Cover.[%]: 100.0
Sampling Cover.[%]: 100.3
Min Dose [Gy]: 39.708
Max Dose [Gy]: 41.739
Mean Dose [Gy]: 40.765
idx1v = strfind(T, 'Dose [Gy] dVolume');
idx2v = strfind(T, '45.25');
len = numel(idx1v)
len = 36
format shortG
for k = 1:numel(idx1v)
segment{k} = T(idx1v(k)+36 : idx2v(k)+30);
segn = textscan(segment{k},'%f');
segr = reshape(segn{:}, 2, []).';
Tseg{k} = array2table(segr);
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
segr1 segr2
_____ __________
0.05 0
0.15 0
0.25 0
0.35 0
0.45 0
0.55 0
0.65 0
0.75 0
0.85 0
0.95 0
1.05 0
1.15 0
1.25 0
1.35 0
1.45 0
1.55 0
1.65 0
1.75 0.08618
1.85 0.46564
1.95 0.55016
2.05 0.54408
2.15 0.56143
2.25 0.61749
2.35 0.63141
2.45 0.63532
2.55 0.61535
2.65 0.55521
2.75 0.48378
2.85 0.4388
2.95 0.41109
3.05 0.40021
3.15 0.37796
3.25 0.35839
3.35 0.35773
3.45 0.3703
3.55 0.35402
3.65 0.37962
3.75 0.48093
3.85 0.53172
3.95 0.67182
4.05 0.76869
4.15 0.91956
4.25 1.1944
4.35 1.4195
4.45 1.6516
4.55 2.0403
4.65 2.4742
4.75 2.8407
4.85 2.8949
4.95 2.8685
5.05 2.79
5.15 2.6709
5.25 2.5105
5.35 2.3845
5.45 2.2076
5.55 2.0446
5.65 1.9144
5.75 1.7748
5.85 1.6426
5.95 1.5251
6.05 1.4064
6.15 1.3123
6.25 1.2064
6.35 1.1055
6.45 0.98964
6.55 0.86958
6.65 0.75078
6.75 0.64186
6.85 0.55675
6.95 0.50371
7.05 0.44726
7.15 0.39732
7.25 0.34808
7.35 0.31308
7.45 0.28352
7.55 0.25366
7.65 0.23069
7.75 0.21757
7.85 0.20611
7.95 0.19406
8.05 0.18626
8.15 0.17347
8.25 0.1606
8.35 0.15672
8.45 0.14889
8.55 0.13556
8.65 0.13254
8.75 0.12756
8.85 0.1183
8.95 0.11209
9.05 0.10548
9.15 0.098006
9.25 0.091194
9.35 0.085019
9.45 0.07895
9.55 0.072615
9.65 0.068774
9.75 0.062063
9.85 0.054628
9.95 0.048055
10.05 0.037343
10.15 0.035005
10.25 0.03495
10.35 0.027046
10.45 0.016401
10.55 0.012698
10.65 0.0075156
10.75 0.00074258
10.85 0
10.95 0
11.05 0
11.15 0
11.25 0
11.35 0
11.45 0
11.55 0
11.65 0
11.75 0
11.85 0
11.95 0
12.05 0
12.15 0
12.25 0
12.35 0
12.45 0
12.55 0
12.65 0
12.75 0
12.85 0
12.95 0
13.05 0
13.15 0
13.25 0
13.35 0
13.45 0
13.55 0
13.65 0
13.75 0
13.85 0
13.95 0
14.05 0
14.15 0
14.25 0
14.35 0
14.45 0
14.55 0
14.65 0
14.75 0
14.85 0
14.95 0
15.05 0
15.15 0
15.25 0
15.35 0
15.45 0
15.55 0
15.65 0
15.75 0
15.85 0
15.95 0
16.05 0
16.15 0
16.25 0
16.35 0
16.45 0
16.55 0
16.65 0
16.75 0
16.85 0
16.95 0
17.05 0
17.15 0
17.25 0
17.35 0
17.45 0
17.55 0
17.65 0
17.75 0
17.85 0
17.95 0
18.05 0
18.15 0
18.25 0
18.35 0
18.45 0
18.55 0
18.65 0
18.75 0
18.85 0
18.95 0
19.05 0
19.15 0
19.25 0
19.35 0
19.45 0
19.55 0
19.65 0
19.75 0
19.85 0
19.95 0
20.05 0
20.15 0
20.25 0
20.35 0
20.45 0
20.55 0
20.65 0
20.75 0
20.85 0
20.95 0
21.05 0
21.15 0
21.25 0
21.35 0
21.45 0
21.55 0
21.65 0
21.75 0
21.85 0
21.95 0
22.05 0
22.15 0
22.25 0
22.35 0
22.45 0
22.55 0
22.65 0
22.75 0
22.85 0
22.95 0
23.05 0
23.15 0
23.25 0
23.35 0
23.45 0
23.55 0
23.65 0
23.75 0
23.85 0
23.95 0
24.05 0
24.15 0
24.25 0
24.35 0
24.45 0
24.55 0
24.65 0
24.75 0
24.85 0
24.95 0
25.05 0
25.15 0
25.25 0
25.35 0
25.45 0
25.55 0
25.65 0
25.75 0
25.85 0
25.95 0
26.05 0
26.15 0
26.25 0
26.35 0
26.45 0
26.55 0
26.65 0
26.75 0
26.85 0
26.95 0
27.05 0
27.15 0
27.25 0
27.35 0
27.45 0
27.55 0
27.65 0
27.75 0
27.85 0
27.95 0
28.05 0
28.15 0
28.25 0
28.35 0
28.45 0
28.55 0
28.65 0
28.75 0
28.85 0
28.95 0
29.05 0
29.15 0
29.25 0
29.35 0
29.45 0
29.55 0
29.65 0
29.75 0
29.85 0
29.95 0
30.05 0
30.15 0
30.25 0
30.35 0
30.45 0
30.55 0
30.65 0
30.75 0
30.85 0
30.95 0
31.05 0
31.15 0
31.25 0
31.35 0
31.45 0
31.55 0
31.65 0
31.75 0
31.85 0
31.95 0
32.05 0
32.15 0
32.25 0
32.35 0
32.45 0
32.55 0
32.65 0
32.75 0
32.85 0
32.95 0
33.05 0
33.15 0
33.25 0
33.35 0
33.45 0
33.55 0
33.65 0
33.75 0
33.85 0
33.95 0
34.05 0
34.15 0
34.25 0
34.35 0
34.45 0
34.55 0
34.65 0
34.75 0
34.85 0
34.95 0
35.05 0
35.15 0
35.25 0
35.35 0
35.45 0
35.55 0
35.65 0
35.75 0
35.85 0
35.95 0
36.05 0
36.15 0
36.25 0
36.35 0
36.45 0
36.55 0
36.65 0
36.75 0
36.85 0
36.95 0
37.05 0
37.15 0
37.25 0
37.35 0
37.45 0
37.55 0
37.65 0
37.75 0
37.85 0
37.95 0
38.05 0
38.15 0
38.25 0
38.35 0
38.45 0
38.55 0
38.65 0
38.75 0
38.85 0
38.95 0
39.05 0
39.15 0
39.25 0
39.35 0
39.45 0
39.55 0
39.65 0
39.75 0
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40.05 0
40.15 0
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40.35 0
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40.55 0
40.65 0
40.75 0
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40.95 0
41.05 0
41.15 0
41.25 0
41.35 0
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41.95 0
42.05 0
42.15 0
42.25 0
42.35 0
42.45 0
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42.65 0
42.75 0
42.85 0
42.95 0
43.05 0
43.15 0
43.25 0
43.35 0
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43.55 0
43.65 0
43.75 0
43.85 0
43.95 0
44.05 0
44.15 0
44.25 0
44.35 0
44.45 0
44.55 0
44.65 0
44.75 0
44.85 0
44.95 0
45.05 0
45.15 0
45.25 0
segr1 segr2
_____ __________
0.05 0
0.15 0
0.25 0
0.35 0
0.45 0
0.55 0
0.65 0
0.75 0
0.85 0
0.95 0
1.05 0
1.15 0
1.25 0
1.35 0
1.45 0
1.55 0
1.65 0
1.75 0
1.85 0
1.95 0
2.05 0
2.15 0
2.25 0
2.35 0
2.45 0
2.55 0
2.65 0
2.75 0
2.85 0
2.95 0
3.05 0
3.15 0
3.25 0
3.35 0
3.45 0
3.55 0
3.65 0
3.75 0
3.85 0
3.95 0
4.05 0
4.15 0
4.25 0
4.35 0
4.45 0
4.55 0
4.65 0
4.75 0
4.85 0
4.95 0
5.05 0
5.15 0
5.25 0
5.35 0
5.45 0
5.55 0
5.65 0
5.75 0
5.85 0
5.95 0
6.05 0
6.15 0
6.25 0
6.35 0
6.45 0
6.55 0
6.65 0
6.75 0
6.85 0
6.95 0
7.05 0
7.15 0
7.25 0
7.35 0
7.45 0
7.55 0
7.65 0
7.75 0
7.85 0
7.95 0
8.05 0
8.15 0
8.25 0
8.35 0
8.45 0
8.55 0
8.65 0
8.75 0
8.85 0
8.95 0
9.05 0
9.15 0
9.25 0
9.35 0
9.45 0
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9.65 0
9.75 0
9.85 0
9.95 0
10.05 0
10.15 0
10.25 0
10.35 0
10.45 0
10.55 0
10.65 0
10.75 0
10.85 0
10.95 0
11.05 0
11.15 0
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11.35 0
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11.55 0
11.65 0
11.75 0
11.85 0
11.95 0
12.05 0
12.15 0
12.25 0
12.35 0
12.45 0
12.55 0
12.65 0
12.75 0
12.85 0
12.95 0
13.05 0
13.15 0
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13.35 0
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13.55 0
13.65 0
13.75 0
13.85 0
13.95 0
14.05 0
14.15 0
14.25 0
14.35 0
14.45 0
14.55 0
14.65 0
14.75 0
14.85 0
14.95 0
15.05 0
15.15 0
15.25 0
15.35 0
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15.55 0
15.65 0
15.75 0
15.85 0
15.95 0
16.05 0
16.15 0
16.25 0
16.35 0
16.45 0
16.55 0
16.65 0
16.75 0
16.85 0
16.95 0
17.05 0
17.15 0
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18.05 0
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18.75 0
18.85 0
18.95 0
19.05 0
19.15 0
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19.35 0
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19.75 0
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19.95 0
20.05 0
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21.05 0
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21.95 0
22.05 0
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22.85 0
22.95 0
23.05 0
23.15 0
23.25 0
23.35 0
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23.75 0
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24.05 0
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28.05 0
28.15 0
28.25 0
28.35 0
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28.75 0
28.85 0
28.95 0
29.05 0
29.15 0
29.25 0
29.35 0
29.45 0
29.55 0
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29.75 0
29.85 0
29.95 0
30.05 0
30.15 0
30.25 0
30.35 0
30.45 0
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30.75 0
30.85 0
30.95 0
31.05 0
31.15 0
31.25 0
31.35 0
31.45 0
31.55 0
31.65 0
31.75 0
31.85 0
31.95 0
32.05 0
32.15 0
32.25 0
32.35 0
32.45 0
32.55 0
32.65 0
32.75 0
32.85 0
32.95 0
33.05 0
33.15 0
33.25 0
33.35 0
33.45 0
33.55 0
33.65 0
33.75 0
33.85 0
33.95 0
34.05 0
34.15 0
34.25 0
34.35 0
34.45 0
34.55 0
34.65 0
34.75 0
34.85 0
34.95 0
35.05 0
35.15 0
35.25 0
35.35 0
35.45 0
35.55 0
35.65 0
35.75 0
35.85 0
35.95 0
36.05 0
36.15 0
36.25 0
36.35 0
36.45 1.535e-05
36.55 0.00095605
36.65 0.0023275
36.75 0.0042991
36.85 0.0061122
36.95 0.009559
37.05 0.014511
37.15 0.017217
37.25 0.022734
37.35 0.030672
37.45 0.040643
37.55 0.050188
37.65 0.061889
37.75 0.071514
37.85 0.08451
37.95 0.096951
38.05 0.10684
38.15 0.13139
38.25 0.15939
38.35 0.25217
38.45 0.39795
38.55 0.62349
38.65 1.0152
38.75 1.3349
38.85 1.9261
38.95 2.7073
39.05 3.5173
39.15 4.3819
39.25 5.2109
39.35 5.895
39.45 7.0975
39.55 7.8907
39.65 9.132
39.75 11.265
39.85 14.436
39.95 16.21
40.05 17.605
40.15 19.055
40.25 21.734
40.35 24.121
40.45 27.688
40.55 29.373
40.65 27.29
40.75 23.289
40.85 22.015
40.95 19.425
41.05 14.999
41.15 11.487
41.25 8.1389
41.35 5.0697
41.45 3.3763
41.55 2.1401
41.65 1.3278
41.75 0.5541
41.85 0.40893
41.95 0.32846
42.05 0.28105
42.15 0.26069
42.25 0.21176
42.35 0.13769
42.45 0.066696
42.55 0.012547
42.65 0
42.75 0
42.85 0
42.95 0
43.05 0
43.15 0
43.25 0
43.35 0
43.45 0
43.55 0
43.65 0
43.75 0
43.85 0
43.95 0
44.05 0
44.15 0
44.25 0
44.35 0
44.45 0
44.55 0
44.65 0
44.75 0
44.85 0
44.95 0
45.05 0
45.15 0
45.25 0
segr1 segr2
_____ ________
0.05 0
0.15 0
0.25 0
0.35 0
0.45 0
0.55 0
0.65 0
0.75 0
0.85 0
0.95 0
1.05 0
1.15 0
1.25 0
1.35 0
1.45 0
1.55 0
1.65 0
1.75 0
1.85 0
1.95 0
2.05 0
2.15 0
2.25 0
2.35 0
2.45 0
2.55 0
2.65 0
2.75 0
2.85 0
2.95 0
3.05 0
3.15 0
3.25 0
3.35 0
3.45 0
3.55 0
3.65 0
3.75 0
3.85 0
3.95 0
4.05 0
4.15 0
4.25 0
4.35 0
4.45 0
4.55 0
4.65 0
4.75 0
4.85 0
4.95 0
5.05 0
5.15 0
5.25 0
5.35 0
5.45 0
5.55 0
5.65 0
5.75 0
5.85 0
5.95 0
6.05 0
6.15 0
6.25 0
6.35 0
6.45 0
6.55 0
6.65 0
6.75 0
6.85 0
6.95 0
7.05 0
7.15 0
7.25 0
7.35 0
7.45 0
7.55 0
7.65 0
7.75 0
7.85 0
7.95 0
8.05 0
8.15 0
8.25 0
8.35 0
8.45 0
8.55 0
8.65 0
8.75 0
8.85 0
8.95 0
9.05 0
9.15 0
9.25 0
9.35 0
9.45 0
9.55 0
9.65 0
9.75 0
9.85 0
9.95 0
10.05 0
10.15 0
10.25 0
10.35 0
10.45 0
10.55 0
10.65 0
10.75 0
10.85 0
10.95 0
11.05 0
11.15 0
11.25 0
11.35 0
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11.65 0
11.75 0
11.85 0
11.95 0
12.05 0
12.15 0
12.25 0
12.35 0
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12.55 0
12.65 0
12.75 0
12.85 0
12.95 0
13.05 0
13.15 0
13.25 0
13.35 0
13.45 0
13.55 0
13.65 0
13.75 0
13.85 0
13.95 0
14.05 0
14.15 0
14.25 0
14.35 0
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14.55 0
14.65 0
14.75 0
14.85 0
14.95 0
15.05 0
15.15 0
15.25 0
15.35 0
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15.65 0
15.75 0
15.85 0
15.95 0
16.05 0
16.15 0
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16.35 0
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16.75 0
16.85 0
16.95 0
17.05 0
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17.75 0
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18.05 0
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19.05 0
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19.75 0
19.85 0
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20.05 0
20.15 0
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20.35 0
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20.55 0
20.65 0
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21.05 0
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22.05 0
22.15 0
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22.35 0
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22.75 0
22.85 0
22.95 0
23.05 0
23.15 0
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23.35 0
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23.95 0
24.05 0
24.15 0
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24.35 0
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24.65 0
24.75 0
24.85 0
24.95 0
25.05 0
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25.35 0
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25.95 0
26.05 0
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27.05 0
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36.05 0
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37.05 0
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37.55 0
37.65 0
37.75 0
37.85 0
37.95 0
38.05 0
38.15 0
38.25 0
38.35 0.012667
38.45 0.10692
38.55 0.65479
38.65 1.3341
38.75 2.0956
38.85 3.8344
38.95 6.0232
39.05 10.766
39.15 20.334
39.25 46.157
39.35 115.27
39.45 282.48
39.55 576.74
39.65 889.78
39.75 1155.9
39.85 1363.4
39.95 1515.4
40.05 1561.5
40.15 1542.9
40.25 1461.6
40.35 1212.9
40.45 926.66
40.55 649.58
40.65 401.07
40.75 240.45
40.85 178.41
40.95 138.04
41.05 115.23
41.15 98.569
41.25 80.431
41.35 63.054
41.45 47.012
41.55 33.715
41.65 24.661
41.75 17.804
41.85 12.952
41.95 9.5343
42.05 7.5561
42.15 5.6716
42.25 3.8394
42.35 2.7564
42.45 2.0008
42.55 1.4902
42.65 1.0807
42.75 0.8989
42.85 0.77015
42.95 0.51983
43.05 0.23669
43.15 0.054386
43.25 0
43.35 0
43.45 0
43.55 0
43.65 0
43.75 0
43.85 0
43.95 0
44.05 0
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45.05 0
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45.25 0
EDIT — (12 Aug 2024 at 19:25)
Updated code to use textscan, and it now runs without error. (The previous problem was in reading the exponential notation.)
EDIT — (12 Aug 2024 at 23:25)
Corrected initial comments, since I got it to work correctly (albeit not elegantly) with textscan.
1 个评论
"...cannot figure out how to parse that into two variable names for the ‘Tseg’ tables."
One way, albeit not extremely elegant...
T = fileread('Breast.txt');
idx1v = strfind(T, 'Dose [Gy] dVolume');
idx2v = strfind(T, '45.25');
vstring = 'Dose [Gy] dVolume / dDose [cm³ / Gy]'
vnames=cellstr(extractBefore(vstring,' dV'));
vnames(2)=strrep(vnames{2},' / ','/')
vnames = 1x2 cell array
{'Dose [Gy]'} {'dVolume/dDose [cm³/Gy]'}
In general, I think one would need to also return the structure and the plan with the data for any context at all; just having by order in the file is going to be very hard to keep straight...nor that you aren't aware of that, @Star Strider, just commenting to @Carl Magnus I think will still need to parse fields in the file for identification purposes.
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