I have 2 separate videos of similar type of objects moving slowly (back and forth or side-by-side). I want to compare and quantify the movements from 2 different videos. The videos are kind of black and white. One idea came to my mind: colormapping the videos/particular frame to indicate movement. Initially, I am trying to detect the edge, but from comparion seems unclear from edge detection. The code that I am using:
% dir = 'C:\Asif\Post processing';
% [fileName, filePath] = uigetfile({'*.*'},'MultiSelect', 'on', '', dir);
% if isequal(fileName, 0); errorMsg; return; end; [~, n] = size(fileName);
% if ischar(fileName)==1; n = 1; fileName = cellstr(fileName); end
% vr = VideoReader(fullfile(filePath, string(fileName)));
% vid = vr.read();
% vid = vid(:,:,:,1);
% imshow(vid)
ear = imread("ear.jpg");
ear = rgb2gray(ear);
[earEdge,thresh] = edge(ear,"log");
newEdge = edge(ear,"log",thresh/0.45);