app designer error: Attempt to add "theta" to a static workspace.

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, i wrote a code and it works while running the script. but when i use it in an app this error shows up Attempt to add "theta" to a static workspace. can somebody help me out. thanks
The code:
%% Constants and parameters
J1 = 1; % Polarization of outer magnet
J2 = 1; % Polarization of inner magnet
u0 = pi*4e-7; % Magnetic constant
%% Position vectors, define appropriately
r = [0.25, 0.3, 0.20 , 0.24]; % radius of magnets (outer to inner)
z = [0.05, 0.15, 0.08, 0.18]; % z cordinate of magnets (outer to inner)
%% main function g
g = @(a, b, c) computeG(a, b, c);
% Initialize F_Z
F_Z = 0;
% Compute F_Z based on the given formula
for i = 1:2
for k = 1:2
for j = 3:4
for l = 3:4
deltaZ = z(k) - z(l);
ri2 = r(i)^2;
rj2 = r(j)^2;
Fijkl = r(i) * r(j) * g(deltaZ, ri2+rj2+deltaZ^2, -2 * r(i) * r(j));
power = 1 + i + j + k + l;
F_Z = F_Z + ((-1)^power) * Fijkl;
F_Z = ((J1 * J2) / (2 * u0)) * F_Z;
%% Define the function computeG
function result = computeG(a, b, c)
A = (a^2 - b) / c * pi + sqrt(c^2 - (a^2 - b)^2) / c *(log((-16 * c^2) / ((c^2 - (a^2 - b)^2)^1.5)) + log(c^2 / ((c^2 - (a^2 - b)^2)^1.5)));
S = computeS(a, b, c);
result = A + S;
%% Define the function computeS
function S = computeS(a, b, c)
% Define constants
epsilon = c / (c - b);
beta = (b + c) / (b - c);
mu = c / (b + c);
% Calculate terms for S
term1 = (2 * 1i * a) / (c * sqrt(b + c)) * ...
((b + c) * ellipticE(asin(sqrt(beta)), beta^(-1)) - c * ellipticF(asin(sqrt(beta)), beta^(-1)));
term2 = (2 * a) / (c * sqrt(b - c) * sqrt(epsilon)) * ...
(c / sqrt(mu) * ellipticE1(1 / beta) - c * sqrt(mu) * ellipticK(1 / beta));
term3 = sqrt(epsilon * (1 / beta)) * ...
((b - a^2) * ellipticK(2 * mu) + (a^2 - b + c) * ellipticPi(2 * c / (c + b - a^2), 2 * mu));
% Sum all terms
S = term1 + term2 + term3;
% Elliptic integral functions using symbolic math toolbox
function val = ellipticK(m)
syms theta;
val = double(int(1 / sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta)^2), theta, 0, pi/2));
function val = ellipticF(phi, m)
syms theta;
val = double(int(1 / sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta)^2), theta, 0, phi));
function val = ellipticE(phi, m)
syms theta;
val = double(int(sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta)^2), theta, 0, phi));
function val = ellipticE1(m)
syms theta;
val = double(int(sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta)^2), theta, 0, pi/2));
function val = ellipticPi(n, m)
syms theta;
val = double(int(1 / (sqrt(1 - n * sin(theta)^2) * sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta)^2)), theta, 0, pi/2));


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-8-19
syms theta
theta = sym('theta');
If you are trying to compile this code, then you will not be able to do so: nothing about the Symbolic Toolbox can be compiled.
  6 个评论
mohammadreza j
mohammadreza j 2024-8-19
Thanks for instant answering Walter. Can you please explain this more cleary this "Eventually you would get down to integrate() calls, which you would code using 'Arrayvalued', true" in an example.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-8-19
function val = ellipticK(m)
val = integrate(@(theta) 1 ./ sqrt(1 - m * sin(theta).^2), 0, pi/2, 'ArrayValued', true);


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