Find strings within other strings then pull data from that point

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dear collegaes, please let me ask your help to find a solution for my data analisys.
I have a P0300.txt file that contains a long strip.
here is a portion of P0300.txt:
59 04 03 01 00 65 01 3E 51 09 00 00 51 1C 00 E1
I need to find sets of data, sets could be 2 or 4 digits.
lets say I need to find 01 3E
DATA = regexp(fileread('P0300.txt'), '\r?\n', 'split')';
>> A = string(DATA);
>> B = strfind(A,'01 3E');
B gives me the position where 01 3E is, in this case B = 19
after this I need to extract the 6 digits on the rigth 51 09 00 <-- this values can change depend on test conditions
Any idea on how can I do that?
your feedback will be highly appreciated


Voss 2024-8-19
filename = 'P0300.txt';
to_find = '01 3E';
str = fileread(filename);
pat = strjoin(repmat({'[\dA-F]{2}'},1,3),' ');
C = regexp(str,[to_find ' (' pat ')'],'tokens');
C = [C{:}]
C = 1x1 cell array
{'51 09 00'}
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Animesh 2024-8-19
编辑:Animesh 2024-8-19
Hey @A-Rod,
To extract 6 digits following a specific pattern in your text file, you can utilize MATLAB's string manupilation functions such as 'regexp'.
Here is a sample MATLAB script to achieve the same:
fileContent = fileread('P0300.txt');
pattern = '01 3E';
% Use regular expression to find the pattern and extract the following 6 digits
expression = [pattern, '\s+([\dA-F]{2}\s+[\dA-F]{2}\s+[\dA-F]{2})'];
match = regexp(fileContent, expression, 'tokens');
% Check if any match is found
if ~isempty(match)
% Extract the first match (if multiple matches are found)
extractedDigits = match{1}{1};
fprintf('Extracted digits: %s\n', extractedDigits);
fprintf('Pattern not found in the file.\n');
Extracted digits: 51 09 00
You can refer the following MathWorks documentation for more information:

Matt J
Matt J 2024-8-19
编辑:Matt J 2024-8-19
fileContent = fileread('P0300.txt');
prefix="01 3E";
e=" "+digitsPattern(2);
pattern = prefix+e+e+e;
matches = extractAfter( extract(fileContent,pattern), prefix);


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