geoshow of struct array
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Hi @Poulomi Ganguli ,
Let me address your query regarding, “I wish to plot the attached struct array, which is clipped from a shapefile using mapping tools available in MATLAB. Also, I wish to shade each code available in the field USA_SSHS with particular shade for each of these lines, for example, -1: for blue, 0: for green, 1: yeallow, 2: red, & so on. Can anyone suggest how to do so? “
Please see my response to your comments below.
To plot the struct array `NI_BB_2020.mat` in MATLAB and shade each code available in the field `USA_SSHS` with specific colors, you can follow these steps. The process involves loading the data, extracting the relevant fields, and then plotting with appropriate color coding based on the values in `USA_SSHS`. Here is the example code snippet,
data = load('NI_BB_2020.mat');
% Define color mapping colorMap = containers.Map([-1, 0, 1, 2], {'b', 'g', 'y', 'r'}); % blue, green, yellow, red
% Extract unique codes from USA_SSHS uniqueCodes = unique([data.NI_BB_2020.USA_SSHS]);
figure; % Create a new figure hold on; % Hold on to plot multiple lines
for i = 1:length(data.NI_BB_2020) lat = data.NI_BB_2020(i).Lat; % Extract latitude lon = data.NI_BB_2020(i).Lon; % Extract longitude
% Determine color based on USA_SSHS value sshsValue = data.NI_BB_2020(i).USA_SSHS; if isKey(colorMap, sshsValue) color = colorMap(sshsValue); else color = 'k'; % Default to black if not found in map end
% Plot with specified color plot(lon, lat, 'Color', color, 'LineWidth', 2); end
hold off; % Release hold on plotting xlabel('Longitude'); ylabel('Latitude'); title('Plot of NI BB 2020 with Shaded USA_SSHS Codes');
% Create a legend using the color values instead of keys legend(colorMap.values(), 'Location', 'Best'); % Add legend for clarity grid on; % Optional: add grid for better visualization
Please see attached.

For more information on “unique” function, please refer to,
So, if you look at the code, I use load function which imports the data from the specified .mat file. A containers.Map is created to associate specific USA_SSHS values with colors. This allows for easy visualization based on the data's categorical values. Afterwards, used unique code function which retrieves distinct USA_SSHS values from the dataset, which can be useful for understanding the range of data. The for loop iterates through each entry in the dataset, extracting latitude and longitude. It checks the USA_SSHS value against the colorMap to determine the appropriate color for plotting. Then, used plot function is used to create a scatter plot of the latitude and longitude, with the specified color and line width. Finally, after plotting all points, the script adds labels, a title, and a legend to enhance the plot's clarity and usability.
Hope this answers your question, please let me know if you have any further questions.
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