disp('Scanning... Searching for nearby BLE devices.');
Scanning... Searching for nearby BLE devices.
devices = blelist;
Scanning and connecting to Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral devices are not supported on Linux.
disp('List of nearby BLE devices:');
bleDevice = ble("c8:2e:18:de:50:ae");
disp("Successfully connected to the BLE device using MAC address.");
disp("Unable to connect to the BLE device.");
serviceUUID = "AF4E9B0E-8D4E-4239-84EB-CB75D7BD8D9A";
characteristicUUID = "8F00C643-1021-4AC6-9325-6653AE773173";
characteristic = characteristic(bleDevice, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID);
disp('Attributes of the characteristic:');
if any(strcmp(characteristic.Attributes, 'Notify'))
disp("Notify permission confirmed. Attempting to subscribe...");
characteristic.DataAvailableFcn = @processBLEData;
disp("BLE data subscription successfully set.");
error("Characteristic does not support Notify permission.");
disp("Failed to set BLE data subscription.");
function processBLEData(~, evt)
disp('Receiving BLE data...');
I'm trying to get the sensor in live mode from Matlab, but I get the following error.
Notify permission has been verified, attempt to subscribe...
Unable to set up BLE data subscription.
The operation failed because it was not allowed to read.
In this case, what part should be corrected?