Historial en los charts

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Fernando 2024-9-6
Este grafico esta en semanal, pero solo veo 4 dias de historial. No tengo forma de hacer "zoom out", si lo veo en mensual y diario me pasa lo mismo, alguna idea de como puedo ver mas hisotiral?

回答(1 个)

Christopher Stapels
It is not clear what app you are using to view your ThingSpeak data, but I do not think the app you show it is specifically supported by MathWorks.
I suspect you are trying to view more than 8000 points at a time, which is not possible in a single read. To view more than that, you can create a derived channel that stores data averaged over time and then view the charts for the averaged data wich will have fewer poins and thus allow a longer view. You can use a time control to priodically read the main channel and copy averaged data to the derived channel.
Also you can create custom MATLAB visualization where you read muliple times and then combine the data to plot a longer view. If you do this, please make sure to put a small delay in between reads in your code to give the server some time. (i.e. pause(0.2);)
Here is the translation I used to answer the question.
This chart is in weekly format, but I only see 4 days of history. I have no way to "zoom out"; if I see it in monthly and daily formats, the same thing happens to me. Any idea how I can see more history?


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