I'm trying to solve a 2nd order ode with ode45, but have no idea where to start.

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This the ode with conditions I'm trying to solve and the code below is as far as I got. It would be appreciated if I could get a detailed step by step to help solve this.
%initial conditions
y0 = [0 1];
tspan = [1 4];


Milan Bansal
Milan Bansal 2024-9-10,18:04
编辑:Milan Bansal 2024-9-10,18:04
Hi Jhryssa,
Here is how you can solve the given ODE.
Convert the second-order ODE into a system of first-order ODEs: MATLAB's ode45 solver is designed for systems of first-order ODEs, so you will need to rewrite the second-order ODE into a system of two first-order equations.
The given ODE is:
with the initial conditions and
Introduce new variables: Let . Then, the system of first-order equations becomes:
Set up initial conditions: From the problem, and .
Here is the MATLAB implementaion:
% Define the system of first-order ODEs
function dydt = ode_system(t, y)
dydt = zeros(2,1);
dydt(1) = y(2);
dydt(2) = (2*y(1) - t^2*y(2)) / t;
% Set initial conditions
y0 = [0; 1]; % y(1) = 0, y'(1) = 1
% Time span (t = 1 to t = 4)
tspan = [1 4];
% Solve the ODE using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(@ode_system, tspan, y0);
% Plot the result
plot(t, y(:,1))
title('Solution of the ODE')
Please refer to the documentation link to learn more about ode45.
Hope this helps!

更多回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-9-10,18:03
After dividing your equation by t, you can just follow the example
Solve Nonstiff Equation


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