Is there a way to remove the vertical line from Matlab editor window?

85 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to remove the vertical line in the Matlab editor window. Please help me someone.


Shivam 2024-9-10
Hi Barun,
Please note that the vertical line in the MATLAB editor window is a Right-Side Text Limit Indication, which appears at column 75 by default, indicating where a line exceeds 75 characters.
You can follow the below-mentioned steps to hide or change the appearance of the vertical line:
  1. On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences.
  2. In the preferences window, select MATLAB > Editor/Debugger > Display.
  3. Adjust the settings in the Right-hand text limit section. You can hide the vertical line by simply unticking the Show Line checkbox.
I hope this resolved your query.

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