Questions about the Detailed Settings of Voronoi Diagrams ボロノイ図の細かな設定について質問です
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I have been reading an example from a book and am trying to recreate the diagram using Voronoi diagrams. However, I want to consider a bounded region [0,1], [1,0], but when using the voronoi function, the lines extend beyond the boundaries. I would like to obtain information such as the area and centroid of the bounded regions, so I want to create the Voronoi diagram with these bounded constraints in mind. Is this possible?
close all
x = [0.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.5];
y = [0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5];
X = [x',y'];
vrn_obj = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
[vx,vy] = voronoi(X(:,1),X(:,2));
edge_set =[vx',vy'];
nump = size(X,1);
plabels = arrayfun(@(n) {sprintf('X%d', n)}, (1:nump)');
hold on
Hpl = text(X(:,1), X(:,2), plabels, 'FontWeight', ...
'bold', 'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
'BackgroundColor', 'none');
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
hold on
hold off
axis equal
% xlim([0 1])
% ylim([0 1])
grid on
1 个评论
回答(1 个)
Hello Irosy,
To create a Voronoi diagram with bounded constraints (within the region [0,1] x [0,1]), you can clip the Voronoi cells at the boundaries. This can be achieved by using a combination of functions from MATLAB's Computational Geometry Toolbox. The following steps can be used:
- Delaunay Triangulation: The delaunayTriangulation function is used to create a triangulation from the set of points X.
- Voronoi Diagram: The voronoiDiagram function generates the Voronoi vertices v and cells c.
- Bounding Box: A polyshape object is created to represent the bounding box, which is used to clip the Voronoi cells.
- Intersection: The intersect function is used to clip each Voronoi cell with the bounding box, resulting in a bounded cell.
- Area Calculation: The area method of the polyshape object calculates the area of the bounded Voronoi cell.
- Centroid Calculation: The centroid method provides the x and y coordinates of the centroid of the bounded Voronoi cell.
- Plotting: Each bounded Voronoi cell and its centroid are plotted, with the centroid marked by a red cross.
close all
x = [0.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.5];
y = [0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5];
X = [x', y'];
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
[v, c] = voronoiDiagram(dt);
% Define the bounding box as a polyshape
boundingBox = polyshape([0 1 1 0], [0 0 1 1]);
% Plot the Voronoi diagram with bounded constraints
hold on
for i = 1:length(c)
if all(c{i} ~= 1)
% Get the coordinates of the Voronoi cell
poly = v(c{i}, :);
voronoiCell = polyshape(poly);
boundedCell = intersect(voronoiCell, boundingBox);
plot(boundedCell, 'FaceColor', rand(1,3), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5, 'EdgeColor', 'k');
% Calculate the area of the bounded Voronoi cell
A = area(boundedCell);
disp(['Area of cell ', num2str(i), ': ', num2str(A)]);
% Calculate the centroid of the bounded Voronoi cell
[cx, cy] = centroid(boundedCell);
disp(['Centroid of cell ', num2str(i), ': (', num2str(cx), ', ', num2str(cy), ')']);
% Plot the centroid
plot(cx, cy, 'rx', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot the points
plot(X(:,1), X(:,2), 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k');
nump = size(X, 1);
plabels = arrayfun(@(n) {sprintf('X%d', n)}, (1:nump)');
Hpl = text(X(:,1), X(:,2), plabels, 'FontWeight', ...
'bold', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
'BackgroundColor', 'none');
xlim([0 1])
ylim([0 1])
axis equal
grid on
hold off
Please go through the following MATLAB documentations for better understanding.
- voronoiDiagram -
- polyshape -
- intersect -
- area –
- centroid -
I hope it helps with your query!
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