Assistance with Load Flow Analysis in IEEE 34 Distribution Network on MATLAB-Simulink

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I am working with the IEEE 34-bus distribution network in MATLAB-Simulink. When running the load flow analysis after setting up the buses, I encountered the following error message:
"Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.218374e-17."
Given that this is an unbalanced system, could you please advise on the potential causes of this issue?How to solve it? Additionally, are there alternative methods or tools within MATLAB-Simulink to handle load flow analysis for such systems?
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,

回答(1 个)

Kothuri 2024-9-13
I understand that you are facing an error while running the load flow analysis of IEEE 34-bus system.
The error message “Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled” typically indicates numerical instability or issues with the system setup often due to a matrix being close to singular or badly scaled.
The error can be rectified by:
  • Ensure that all bus data, line impedances, and load values are entered correctly. Small errors in data can lead to numerical instability.
  • Ensure there are no lines with zero or extremely high impedance values, as these can cause singularities in the admittance matrix.
  • Verify that all buses are connected and there are no isolated buses or islands within the network.
  • The IEEE 34-bus system is inherently unbalanced, which can cause convergence issues in load flow analysis.
  • In unbalanced systems, ensure that the load and generation data are accurately represented for each phase.
  • Scale the system parameters to improve numerical stability. This can involve normalizing the values to a common base.
  • Ensure that the network configuration is correct and all elements are properly connected.
  • Switch to more robust load flow solvers like Newton-Raphson or Fast Decoupled methods, which are better suited for handling unbalanced systems.
  • Adjust the tolerance settings for the load flow solver to allow for better convergence.
  • Break down the network into smaller sections and solve them individually before combining the results.
You can refer the below file exchange link on IEEE 34-bus system and load flow analysis
Alternatively, you can use
  • MATLAB’s Simscape Electrical toolbox provides tools for detailed modelling and simulation of electrical power systems, including unbalanced load flow analysis.
  • Use the powergui block in Simulink to perform load flow analysis. It provides options for different solvers and can handle unbalanced systems.
  • Write custom MATLAB scripts to handle specific aspects of the load flow analysis, allowing for more control over the numerical methods used.
Hope this helps!
  3 个评论
Mohammed Rahamath Ali
@Asi angel. You said that you were bale to match the results to IEEE bench mark values. Actually I myself am trying to match it. I was able to get the error down to 0.6% for Bus Voltage magnitude and 0.6 deg for Bus voltage angle. except for Bus 888, 890 for which the errors are 2.8% at maximum. And these two busus come after step down tranfromer. Can you please tell me about your results or better yet I can share my model (phasor). So that you can check for any discrepancies ?



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