Increase temporal granularity in simulink

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have a simulink model based on the spacecraft dynamics example here:
that by default outputs the satellite position at intervals of roughly 10s when not pointing at specific targets (i.e. is in a "point at Nadir" state).
Is it possible to increase the temporal granularity across the whole orbit, in order to have for example a largest time step of 0.5s, even when pointing at Nadir?
Thank you


Paul 2024-9-13
Do you just want to set the maximum step size for the solver?
  3 个评论
Paul 2024-9-16
Simulation pacing controls how fast the simulation runs relative to real time, but doesn't change anything with respect to the solver step size or signal logging (at least not as I understand it), which is what I thought was the crux of this question.
Perhaps I don't understand what's intended by "have ... a largest time step of 0.5s."
Nic Bac
Nic Bac 2024-9-16
While looking for a way to set the maximum temporal step size I was able to find only the simulation pacing option, which as you say doesn't really do what was I needed.
Based on your first comment I found this, that was what I was looking for.


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