My App Designer program uses USB communication to an Arduino
It usually works but every once in a while Matlab fails to read.
function PicoInput(app,src,~)
while (app.PicoCom.NumBytesAvailable>0)
I've already added the while loop which mostly fixed it except if the messages are 20msec apart.
The only time it fails (and not very often) is between 2 messages that are known to be 20 ms apart.
When it fails (App Designer says "Run" ... no action), I can go into the debugger (with a special pause I put in to read app properties) and check with
K>> app.PicoCom
ans =
Serialport with properties:
Port: "COM6"
BaudRate: 57600
NumBytesAvailable: 11
K>> read(app.PicoCom,11,"char")
ans =
And there it sits, not being read.
Sure, there are probably work arounds (I'm open to suggestions to manage it now) but isn't this a bug!
My next attempt to handle this is to add a pause(0.03); at the end of the while loop but this is very unsatisfying and how do I know it will NEVER fail?