- Do you receive warning and/or error messages? If so the full and exact text of those messages (all the text displayed in orange and/or red in the Command Window) may be useful in determining what's going on and how to avoid the warning and/or error.
- Does it do something different than what you expected? If so, what did it do and what did you expect it to do?
- Did MATLAB crash? If so please send the crash log file (with a description of what you were running or doing in MATLAB when the crash occured) to Technical Support so we can investigate.
Simscape multibody reinforced learning: unpossible to run examples
3 次查看(过去 30 天)
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I was trying to run some examples of training on simscape using reinforced learning, but I'm not able to run them. They look to be by far excessiive for my machine. Anybody shares my issues?
3 个评论
Andreas Goser
We really like to help you, however information is missing. Keeping in mind MathWorks has 100+ products and volunteers here in this communicty are not famliar with all of them. Could you please share the exact name of the example you are running and and the release and operating system you are working on.
回答(1 个)
Hello Enrico,
Please have a look at the sytem requirement details for Simscape Multibody:
Also, have a look at the product requirements and platform availablility for Simscape:
Please verify your systems details with the mentioned details in the documentation links.
I hope this helps!
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