Quivers/streamlines not perpendicular to contours

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've created a mesh representing a superelevation transition along a highway - basically a rotating plane around X=0 as Y increases.
I'm trying to find the longest raindrop flow line, but the problem I'm having is that currently the contours and streamlines/quivers do not align. THat is, the streamlines are not perpendicular/normal to the contours. I'm not sure if the contours are incorrect or if the streamlines are incorrect, or if I'm interpreting the use of a function incorrectly. Some help would be much appreciated!
The code is below:
% Hardcoded Input Variables
left_width = 13.5; % Left width of the road in meters
right_width = 3; % Right width of the road in meters
grade = 0.02; % Longitudinal grade (e.g., 2%)
normal_crossfall = -0.03; % Normal crossfall (e.g., -3%)
superelevated_crossfall = 0.06; % Superelevated crossfall (e.g., 6%)
transition_length = 70; % Length of transition in meters
contour_interval = 0.20; % Contour interval (e.g., 200 mm)
% Mesh Parameters
num_segments = 50; % Number of segments along the transition length
num_width_points = 20; % Number of points across the road width (ensure this is even)
% Generate Mesh Points
x = linspace(-left_width, right_width, num_width_points); % Evenly spaced points across the total width
y = linspace(0, transition_length, num_segments + 1); % Only transition length
% Initialize Elevation Matrix
elevation = zeros(length(x), length(y)); % Adjust size based on unique x
% Compute Elevations
for i = 1:length(y)
segment_length = y(i);
for j = 1:length(x)
% Longitudinal grade component
longitudinal_elevation = grade * segment_length; % Extend grade throughout
% During transition
start_elevation = longitudinal_elevation + (normal_crossfall * (-x(j)));
end_elevation = longitudinal_elevation + (superelevated_crossfall * (-x(j)));
elevation(j, i) = interp1([0, transition_length], [start_elevation, end_elevation], segment_length);
% Create 2D Contour Plot
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
contourf(X, Y, elevation', 'LineColor', 'none'); % Filled contour plot
hold on;
% Add contour lines using the specified contour interval
contour_levels = min(elevation(:)):contour_interval:max(elevation(:));
contour(X, Y, elevation', contour_levels, 'LineColor', 'k'); % Contours in black
title('2D Contour Plot of Superelevation Transition');
xlabel('Width of Road (m)');
ylabel('Length of Transition (m)');
axis equal; % Set equal scaling for both axes
% Calculate gradients for flow direction
[grad_x, grad_y] = gradient(elevation'); % Calculate gradients of elevation
% Normalize gradients for better visualization
magnitude = sqrt(grad_x.^2 + grad_y.^2);
grad_x = -grad_x ./ magnitude; % Reverse direction for upstream to downstream
grad_y = -grad_y ./ magnitude; % Reverse direction for upstream to downstream
% Create Streamline starting from the highest values of Y along the Y-axis
lowest_x = min(x); % Find the lowest value of X
startY = transition_length:-5:0; % Start from downstream to upstream
streamlines = streamline(X, Y, grad_x, grad_y, lowest_x * ones(size(startY)), startY);
% Add quiver plot for direction visualization
quiver(X, Y, grad_x, grad_y, 'Color', 'r', 'AutoScale', 'off'); % Add quivers
hold off;
  1 个评论
Trav 2024-9-23
This is a snapshot of the figure I get - the thick blue lines are drawn on by me manually and are what I would expect the streamlines and quivers to follow, according to the contours (in black).


回答(1 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2024-9-23
Add the command
axis equal
Different aspect ratio in x and y can skew the perpendicularity visually.
  1 个评论
Trav 2024-9-23
axis equal is already being used. I think I figured it out - had some incorrect calcs which were skewing the results.



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