How to fit this model with a Weibull distribution?

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi. I'm trying to fit my empirical curve with a theoretical Weibull distribution through curve fitting (cftool). The problem is that I get a negative value and I can't understand why.
I tried adding a +c constant to the Weibull function, but it only got worse:
I also tried adjusting the variables' StartingPoint values but nothing changed. I am pretty sure this has to work somehow. Thank you in advance.
  2 个评论
Torsten 2024-9-27
编辑:Torsten 2024-9-27
Do you have the original data from which you assume that they follow a Weibull distribution ?
If yes: Apply "mle":
Michele Turchiarelli
Hi. I do not claim my data follows a Weibull distribution. However, I at least would like to to see a valid (i.e. non-negative) R-squared value since I need it.



Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024-9-28
I normalized the x-axis data to facilitate the fitting algorithm's search process. Is this solution acceptable?
%% data
X = load("x_axis.mat");
Y = load("y_axis.mat");
%% process a bit
t = X.t;
tm = max(X.t) % max t for normalization; makes the fitting easier
tm = 299578
y = Y.M_empRel;
% Fitting model
fo = fitoptions('Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares',...
'Lower', [0.02, 0.5],...
'Upper', [0.03, 0.6]);
ft = fittype('exp(-((t/299578)/b)^c)', ...
'dependent', {'prob'}, 'independent', {'t'}, ...
'coefficients', {'b', 'c'}, ...
'options', fo);
%% Fit curve to data
[yfit, gof] = fit(t, y, ft, 'StartPoint', [0.025, 0.55])
yfit =
General model: yfit(t) = exp(-((t/299578)/b)^c) Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): b = 0.02498 (0.02459, 0.02538) c = 0.5535 (0.5464, 0.5606)
gof = struct with fields:
sse: 0.3121 rsquare: 0.9915 dfe: 471 adjrsquare: 0.9915 rmse: 0.0257
%% Plot results
plot(yfit, t, y), grid on
xlabel('t'), ylabel('y(t)')
title({'$y(t) = \exp\left(- \left(\frac{t}{299578 b}\right)^{c}\right)$, with $b = 0.02498$ and $c = 0.5535$'}, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 16)
legend('Data', 'Fitted model', 'fontsize', 14)
  4 个评论


更多回答(2 个)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2024-9-27
编辑:John D'Errico 2024-9-27
If this is data that you think comes from a Weibull, then you do not want to use regression techniques to fit the distribution. And adding a constant term invalidates the result as a Weibull distribution.
You can use MLE. But more approprately, use wblfit.
help wblfit
wblfit - Weibull parameter estimates This MATLAB function returns the estimates of Weibull distribution parameters (shape and scale), given the sample data in x. Syntax parmHat = wblfit(x) [parmHat,parmCI] = wblfit(x) [parmHat,parmCI] = wblfit(x,alpha) [___] = wblfit(x,alpha,censoring) [___] = wblfit(x,alpha,censoring,freq) [___] = wblfit(x,alpha,censoring,freq,options) Input Arguments x - Sample data vector alpha - Significance level 0.05 (default) | scalar in the range (0,1) censoring - Indicator for censoring array of 0s (default) | logical vector freq - Frequency or weights of observations array of 1s (default) | nonnegative vector options - Optimization options statset('wblfit') (default) | structure Output Arguments parmHat - Estimate of parameters 1-by-2 row vector parmCI - Confidence intervals for parameters 2-by-2 matrix Examples openExample('stats/EstimateParametersOfWeibullDistributionExample') openExample('stats/EstimateParametersOfWeibullDistributionCIExample') openExample('stats/EstimateWeibullParametersOptionsExample') See also mle, wbllike, wblpdf, wblcdf, wblinv, wblstat, wblrnd, wblplot Introduced in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox before R2006a Documentation for wblfit doc wblfit
If you provide the data, we can possibly offer more or better advice. Lacking that, just use wblfit.
  13 个评论
Michele Turchiarelli
编辑:Michele Turchiarelli 2024-9-28
Then why did the exponential fit work? Besides, what am I supposed to do then to make it work with a Weibull distribution? Scale down my values/data?
The exponential doesn't hit 1 at x=0 because of the constant +K added to the model.
Torsten 2024-9-28
Then why did the exponential fit work?
Because a*exp(b*x) is not a distribution function for arbitrary choices of the parameters a and b.
Besides, what am I supposed to do then to make it work with a Weibull distribution? Scale down my values/data?
It will be difficult with a modified Weibull function because only in a very special case it passes through (0/1).


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2024-9-27
编辑:David Goodmanson 2024-9-27
Hi MIchele,
One possibility is that you are not fitting the correct statistical function to the data. The algebraic expression you have is a probability density function (pdf), but the data runs from y = 1 down to y = 0 [eventually], and looks like a cumulative distribution function (cdf), more specifically (1-cdf) since a cdf runs from 0 up to 1. For the weibull cdf,
y = 1-exp(-(x/b)^c) and (1-y) = exp(-(x/b)^c)
and the latter function you can fit to the data.
When x=0 then y=1, and when x=b then y = exp(-1) = .368 for all vaues of c. Looking at your plot, .368 occurs close to x = 1 which implies that b is approximately 1.
I guess another possibility is that y is a pdf that so happens to equal 1 at x = 0. This occurs for the weibull pdf when c = 1, which is the same as the pdf of an exponential distribution, (1/b) exp(-x/b).
  3 个评论
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2024-9-27
I plotted the data you enclosed vs a linear scale and it does not look in the least like the data in the plot.
Michele Turchiarelli
Sorry, I forgot to give you the values on the x axis (time). Look at the attachment of this message, it contains a file with the x axis values and a file with the y axis values.


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