Index exceeded ERROR when exporting the coverage report from the Test Manager

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
In have a Test Manager with a test file, a test suite and 2 test cases added.
At the test file level I have added 2 coverage filters. Filter 1 for test case 1 and filter 2 test case 2.
After running the tests I want to export the Coverage report. I am not able to do this because I get the following error:
MCDC coverage number shows that the filters were considered in the coverage analysis, but I can't export the report.
Please support with this issue.
Thanks much in advance!
  2 个评论
Hitesh 2024-10-1
Hi Diana,
Could you please provide more details to help reproduce the issue? Specifically, I need to know:
  • What kind of simulations are you running?
  • Are you running iterations using the same model, or are you using test cases across different models?
  • Are your test cases iterating over parameters?
I have encountered a similar issue. In my case, the workaround that worked was ensuring that when parameter overrides occur, the values must the same data type. Additionally, you can also try reducing the number of tests running to identify the root cause of the error.
Guilherme Costa Nascimento
Hi @Diana,
This might be best handled with MathWorks tech support. Could you submit a technical support request?
Feel free to link to this page in the request.


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