How to Automatically Upload AEwin .DTA Files to a Web Server Using MATLAB or Python?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I am working on automating the upload of Acoustic Emission data collected via AEwin, which stores data in .DTA format. My goal is to:
  1. Automatically process the .DTA files generated by AEwin.
  2. Extract key data from these .DTA files.
  3. Upload this data to a web server (such as ThingSpeak or a custom server) in real-time.
What I Have Tried:
  • Python: I’ve tried reading the .DTA file using the MistrasDTA Python library, and encountered the error.
  • MATLAB: While I haven’t tried MATLAB yet, I am wondering if it could be a better alternative for extracting data from .DTA files and uploading it to a server.
My Questions:
  1. Has anyone successfully processed AEwin .DTA files in MATLAB? If so, what functions or toolboxes are recommended for this task?
  2. Is there a way to automate this process fully (i.e., automatically upload the data to a web server whenever a new .DTA file is created)?
  3. Any suggestions or examples of how to integrate this workflow between AEwin and a server would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer!
  5 个评论
Huzaifa 2024-10-4
Here are additional details about the process:
File Generation: The .DTA files are generated by AEwin software during Acoustic Emission (AE) testing. These files contain critical AE data like amplitude, hit count, energy, etc. AEwin continuously stores these files in a specific folder on my local machine.
File Accessibility: These .DTA files can only be opened in AEwin or Noesis software. When I load them into AEwin, they display various graphs and data tables, like amplitude vs. time, hit distribution, etc. (I’ve attached an image showing the interface in AEwin).
End Goal: The objective is to automatically process the .DTA files as they are generated, extract key data points (e.g., amplitude, event time, channel), and upload this data to a web server (such as ThingSpeak) for real-time monitoring. This will help in tracking AE activity remotely and allow decision-making based on real-time data.
If MATLAB can automate this workflow, I'd appreciate any suggestions on the best approach or toolboxes to use.
Thanks again for your help!
Huzaifa 2024-10-4
Right now, AEwin has a Line Display option where the real-time data is shown. Is it possible to capture that data? I mean, the data would display and simultaneously get uploaded to a server in real-time through MATLAB.



Hitesh 2024-10-4
编辑:Hitesh 2024-10-4
Hi Huzaifa,
You can automate the whole process in MATLAB in three phases:
  • Detection of new .DTA file
  • Reading and processing .DTA Files
  • Uploading Data to a Web Server
Detection of new .DTA files:
t = timer('TimerFcn', @checkForNewFiles, 'Period', 60, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate');
function checkForNewFiles(~, ~)
files = dir('path_to_DTA_files/*.DTA');
% Read and process file
Reading and processing .DTA Files:
  • We can read the .dta file by copying into .txt file so that we can convert the .dta file into format readable by readtable.
filename = 'file_name.DTA';
% copy the file to a legible format
filename2 = [filename(1:end-1), 'txt'];
copyfile(filename, filename2);
% read table of legible file type
T = readtable(filename2, 'ReadVariableNames', 0);
% delete the file that we created bc we don't need it anymore
Uploading Data to a Web Server:
url = '';
options = weboptions('RequestMethod', 'post', 'MediaType', 'application/json');
response = webwrite(url, jsonData, options);
  2 个评论
Christopher Stapels
Since the OP intent is to use ThingSpeak, you might replace the function checkForNewFiles with a MATLAB analysis script and use the TimeControl app to replace the timer object.
Huzaifa 2024-10-4
编辑:Huzaifa 2024-10-4
Thanks for your answer. I tried this one and even used various Python libraries to access the .dta file, but I keep encountering the same error that access is not allowed. I also contacted AEwin's customer service, and they mentioned that they cannot grant access due to data security reasons.
Error using copyfile
Access is denied.
Now, AEwin has a line display option that shows real-time data. Now, how can this data be captured and uploaded to a server? Does anyone have any idea?


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