- Obtain the names of all the blocks in your Simulink model using the "get_param" method.
- Convert these names to lowercase using the "lower(str)" function.
- Update the block names by applying the "set_param" method.
How to change all the block and signal names in Simulink to lower case in one instant?
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MathWorks Support Team
编辑: MathWorks Support Team
I want to change all the signal names and block names in the Simulink model to lower case in one instant. How to achieve this?
MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team
As of MATLAB R2024a, you will need to manually change all the names to lowercase or write a custom script to achieve this. To convert all block names in your Simulink model to lowercase, you can follow these steps to create a custom script:
Below is an example script to convert all block names to lowercase:
% Open your Simulink model
modelName = 'your_model_name'; % Replace with your model name
% Get all block handles in the model
blocks = find_system(modelName, 'Type', 'Block');
% Loop through each block to process names
for i = 1:length(blocks)
% Get the current block's name
currentBlock = blocks{i};
blockName = get_param(currentBlock, 'Name');
% Convert the block name to lower case
newBlockName = lower(blockName);
% Change the block name using set_param if the name has changed
if ~strcmp(blockName, newBlockName)
set_param(currentBlock, 'Name', newBlockName);
% Save and close the model
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