How can I install 2019b?

33 次查看(过去 30 天)
Anders Dahlström
Anders Dahlström 2024-10-9
I'm replacing my PC with a newer one and are struggling to install Matlab in my new PC. The old PC has version version 2019b installed but I cannot find this version in the on your home page. Seems to be a gap between 2014B and 2024B. How can I install 2019b?
  1 个评论
Anders Dahlström
Anders Dahlström 2024-10-9
To make more clear;
When I select "downloads" in my account page the latest vesrion is 2014B, but I have 2019b Installed in my old PC. Don't remember how I got installed, but it I have not used any third-party download, if any exist.


回答(1 个)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2024-10-10
This likely is a problem your IT / MATLAB administrator can solve. Based on your description, I'd guess your MathWorks account is linked to a license that is not under software maintenance anymore and thus have limited releases to download. But on the other hand it seems your organization has other / more licenses.
If your IT cannot solve it, please contact MathWorks Customer Service / Installation Support


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