Virtual Vehicle Composer model doesn't work

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I build a EV model in Virtual Vehicle Composer app and try run it, it gives always this error
And when I perform dependency analyzer on the project it seems like there are some missing files as shown below:
Can anyone know how to fix these errors?

回答(1 个)

Kothuri 2024-11-6
The errors you are facing while building EV model using Virtual Vehicle Composer app indicates that:
  • “fatal error U1077” and “error C2099: initializer is not a constant”, indicates an issue with the compilation of C/C++ code within the Simulink model. This can happen due to missing dependencies or incompatible settings.
  • “foundation.e...vapor” file in the dependency analyser, suggest that part of the required libraries or files are missing.
  • “TestScript.m” file is calling a function or script named “setParamforManeuver.m”, which in turn relies on “ConfigInfos.TestPlan” and “setModelParameter”. The yellow warning symbols indicate that these dependencies are either missing or inaccessible.
You can follow the below steps to rectify the errors:
  • Ensure that “autoblkVVCO...m”, “vdynblksdrvconfig.m”, and “NoThermalControl.slx” files and the above mentioned files are available in the MATLAB path or project folder.
  • Use the Dependency Analyzer to identify any missing files or broken links. You may need to add the missing libraries or paths to the MATLAB path. Right-click on the missing items in the Dependency Analyzer and try to locate them manually.
  • After making the changes, re-run the Dependency Analyzer to confirm that the issues are resolved.
  • Ensure that MATLAB is configured with a compatible C/C++ compiler. Run “mex -setup” in MATLAB to confirm this. In some cases, selecting a different compiler version might help in resolving the compatibility issues.
  • Ensure that each referenced model is set up correctly and can be built independently.
You can refer the below documentation link for more info on “mex -setup”
  1 个评论
Ömer Ergün
Ömer Ergün 2024-11-7
Thank you for your answer, but I already solved the issue. The problem wasn't stem from missing files in the Depend. Anal. but it was from the compiler I used. Because Matlab use C++ compiler as a default some files in the project didn't generate. So I changed my compiler from C++ to MinGW and the project had run without any issue even though there still are same missing files in the Depend. Anal.



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