Trying to add a range slider that control the range from the given years in app.year but everything I had tried doesn't work

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function LoadDataButtonPushed(app, event)
SJBS= 'SolarJobsbyState.csv';
app.JBS = readtable(SJBS);
app.year= app.JBS{52, 2:7};
app.stateDropDownLabel.Visible = 'on';
app.stateDropDown.Visible = 'on';
app.YearsSliderLabel.Visible = 'on';
app.YearsSlider.Visible = 'on';
app.YearsSlider.Limits = [min(app.year), max(app.year)];
app.YearsSlider.Value = [min(app.year), max(app.year)];
app.YearsSlider.MajorTicks = app.year;
app.LoadDataButton.Visible ='off';
% Value changed function: stateDropDown
function stateDropDownValueChanged(app, event)
State = app.stateDropDown.Value;
switch State
case 'Alabama'
hold(app.UIAxes, "off")
%ployfit- provies coefficients for the regression
ALAcoef= polyfit(app.year,app.JBS{1,2:7},1);
% IPDcoef= [m,b]
m= ALAcoef(1);
b= ALAcoef(2);
%function handle
ALAFUNC= @(x) m*x+b;
%regression equation
function YearsSliderValueChanged(app, event)
selectedyr = app.YearsSlider.Value;
%i want to be able to change the range of app.year using the range slider but everything i have tried doing work, please set me on the right path


Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak 2024-10-19
编辑:Divyajyoti Nayak 2024-10-19
I assume you just want to change the limits of the x axis using the slider and are not able to do so. The "XLim" property of the "UIAxes" object can be used for this. Here's the documentation to help you out:
Here's how it can be implemented:
function YearsSliderValueChanged(app, event)
selectedyr = app.YearsSlider.Value;
%Need integers from slider, hence change slider step to 1
app.UIAxes.XLim = selectedyr;
app.UIAxes.XTick = selectedyr(1):1:selectedyr(2);
Hope this helps!

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