How to change pole configuration for Commutation of SRM Using Sensor Feedback example?

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
The Commutation of SRM using sensor feedback in this example uses a 12/8 SRM motor configuration using TI F28379D. Is it possible to change the poles to configure it for a 6/4 SRM motor instead? If so, how can the configuration be modified in the Simulink example?

回答(1 个)

praguna manvi
praguna manvi 2024-10-28
编辑:praguna manvi 2024-10-29
Hi @RK,
As I understand, you are referring to the example of “Commutation of SRM Using Sensor Feedback” available at this link:
To change the pole configuration, you can set the “Three-phase SRM” block’s number of rotor poles to 4 in the “Power Converter and Motor” subsystem of the example as shown here
For additional information on the “Switched Reluctance Machine,” refer to this link:
Hope this helps!


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