Custom square wave in simulink

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
SM 2024-10-28
评论: SM 2024-10-29
I need to create a square wave with two different amplitudes as shown in the attached image. The total time duration is 50s. The signal can be divided into two parts: i)Upto 15s, I need a step signal of amplitude -1.5. ii)Starting from 15s onwards, I need a square wave with lower half of -2, and upper half of -1 (With apmlitude of 1, Period of 20, pulse width of 50%). I am able to simulate the part ii) in SImulink using the pulse generator. However, I need a signal with both part i) and ii), and that I am unable to do using only pulse generator or other ways. The file fig contains the waveform of part ii) Please help.


Hitesh 2024-10-29
You need to use "Signal Editor" block to create custom signals to achieve the desired result. I have created the same signal with the help of "Signal Editor". Refer to the below scope image:
For more information on "Signal Editor" Block, refer the following MATLAB documentation:

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