issue while setting mask parameter

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Anuj 2024-10-30
回答: Gayatri 2024-10-30
The "set_param" function will only update the model if the mask dialog is closed. If the mask dialog is open, the "set_param" command might not take effect, especially if the parameter is visible.

回答(1 个)

Gayatri 2024-10-30
Hi Anuj,
To modify mask parameter values, use the 'Simulink.Mask' class.
% Get the Mask of the Subsystem
maskObj = Simulink.Mask.get('TestModel/SubSysName');
% Retrieve the Mask Parameter
paramObj = maskObj.getParameter('parameter_name');
% Set the Parameter Value
paramObj.set('Value', 'NewValue');
Please refer the below documentations for Simulink.Mast class:


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