How do I tune parameters in my model with Simulink Compiler?

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I am trying to tune parameters in my model with Simulink Compiler but I am unable to do so. What could be the problem. 


MathWorks Support Team
There are two approaches to tuning parameters in a Simulink Compiler standalone application:
    1. To set startup parameters for a simulation, use setVariable on the SimulationInput object or Simulation object:
    2. To change parameters while the simulation is running, use simulink.compiler.modifyParameter inside a runtime callback like postStepFcn:
    Here is an example that shows parameter tuning with an App Designer app and Simulink compiler:
    Some common problems and solutions are described below.
    Simscape parameters do not seem to change after being tuned with setVariable.
    For Simscape parameters, we need to mark them as runtime tunable 
    I get the following error when using simulink.compiler.modifyParameter
    Error using simulink.sim.internal.modifyParameters
    simulink.compiler.modifyParameter can be used only while the simulation is running.
    simulink.compiler.modifyParameter should only be used in one of the Simulink Compiler runtime callbacks such as the postStepFcn or externalInputFcn or externalOutputFcn. If you want to tune parameters before or between runs, use setVariable on the SimulationInput object instead.
    setVariable does not tune the value of a model workspace parameter. 
    You need to set the workspace argument to the model name when using setVariable.

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