Why did i receive error with my for loop ode45 function?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi matlabbers, I have been trying to figure out how to find thetadot2 and plot it on a thetadot1 vs time graph.
For context, The main issue is with the ode45 function. I did the dynamics for a double pendelum system symbolically and now im trying to convert it into numbers for the ode45 function but its not working. Any idea on how to fix this? I was thinking that in order for it to work, i only need one initial condition, in my case thetadot2.
Red text error message.
Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error using odearguments (line 98)
@(T,Y)[Y(2);-((SUBS(DL_DTHETA2,THETADOT1,THETADOT1_ITERATION)-SUBS(DL_DTHETADOT2,THETADOT1,THETADOT1_ITERATION)+Q)/JBLADE)] returns a vector of length 1, but the length of initial conditions vector is 2. the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.
%{Assuming we have Parameters for
%L1, L2, m, Jblade, kt, M_Preload, Jblade, time_intervals,
%thetadot1_invervals, thetadot1&2, M_preload, M_centrifugal
%initial conditions
dL_dtheta2_numeric = subs(dL_dtheta2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}); % Perform symbolic substitutions to get numeric versions of dL_dtheta2 and dt_dL_dthetadot2
dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric = subs(dt_dL_dthetadot2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
theta2_solution_values_total = []; % Loop through each time interval and store thetadot2values
time_solution_values_total = [];
for i = 1:length(time_intervals) - 1
thetadot1_i_value = thetadot1_rad(i); % Get the current value of thetadot1 in radians
Q = M_Preload - M_centrifugal(thetadot1_i_value); % Compute the generalized force term Q
odeFunction = @(t, y) [y(2); -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade]; % Define the ODE function with fully numeric values
tspan = [time_intervals(i), time_intervals(i + 1)]; % Time span for the current interval
[t_interval, sol_interval] = ode45(odeFunction, tspan, [theta2_initial; thetadot2_initial]); % Solve the ODE
theta2_initial = sol_interval(end, 1);% Update initial conditions for the next interval
thetadot2_initial = sol_interval(end, 2);
theta2_solution_values_total = [theta2_solution_values_total; sol_interval(:, 1)]; % Store solutions
time_solution_values_total = [time_solution_values_total; t_interval];
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-4
dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric = subs(dt_dL_dthetadot2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
That creates a symbolic value
odeFunction = @(t, y) [y(2); -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade]; % Define the ODE function with fully numeric values
That creates an anonymous function that returns a symbolic expression
[t_interval, sol_interval] = ode45(odeFunction, tspan, [theta2_initial; thetadot2_initial]); % Solve the ODE
ode45 cannot use return values that are symbolic expressions.
You need to use matlabFunction or odeFunction to generate the function handle.
Miles 2024-11-4
编辑:Miles 2024-11-4
Hi Torsten, this is the full code. I wanted to only put the for loop to not overwhelm anyone. If you run this code, there should be the error as shown above with ode45
Full code
% Goal: Solve EOM using Lagrange for theta2 and plot theta2 vs time
% Clear old results
close all
clear all
% Define symbols for DOF theta variables and parameters
syms L1 L2 mblade kt Jblade theta1(t) theta2(t)
% Define derivatives of theta
thetadot1 = diff(theta1, t);
thetadot2 = diff(theta2, t);
% Position of the second joint
x2 = L1*cos(theta1) + L2*cos(theta1 + theta2);
y2 = L1*sin(theta1) + L2*sin(theta1 + theta2);
% Velocities of the second joint
xdot2 = diff(x2, t);
ydot2 = diff(y2, t);
% Kinetic and Potential Energy
KE_Translation = (1/2)*mblade*(xdot2^2 + ydot2^2);
KE_Rotation = (1/2)*Jblade*(thetadot1 + thetadot2)^2;
PETorSpring = (1/2)*kt*theta2^2;
T = KE_Translation + KE_Rotation;
V = PETorSpring;
L = T - V; % Lagrangian
% Derivatives of the Lagrangian
dL_dtheta1 = diff(L, theta1);
dL_dtheta2 = diff(L, theta2);
dL_dthetadot1 = diff(L, thetadot1);
dL_dthetadot2 = diff(L, thetadot2);
dt_dL_dthetadot1 = diff(dL_dthetadot1, t);
dt_dL_dthetadot2 = diff(dL_dthetadot2, t);
% Define parameters (numeric values)
L1 = 0.60; % Length of first arm (m)
L2 = 0.60; % Length of second arm (m)
mblade = 2; % Mass of one blade (kg)
kt = 0.3; % Spring constant (Nm/rad)
M_Preload = 5; % Spring preload (Nm)
M_centrifugal = @(thetadot1) mblade * (L1 + L2 / 2) * thetadot1^2 * (L1 + L2 / 2);
Jblade = (1/12 * mblade * L2^2) + (mblade * (L1 + L2/2)^2); % ICR Moment of inertia of the blade
time_intervals = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120];
thetadot1_rpm = [0, 50, 100, 150, 0];
thetadot1_rad = thetadot1_rpm * (2 * pi / 60); % Convert RPM to rad/s
theta2_initial = 0
theta2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
% Define the function for centrifugal moment
% Perform symbolic substitutions to get numeric versions of dL_dtheta2 and dt_dL_dthetadot2
dL_dtheta2_numeric = subs(dL_dtheta2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric = subs(dt_dL_dthetadot2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
% Loop through each time interval and thetadot1 values
theta2_solution_values_total = [];
time_solution_values_total = [];
for i = 1:length(time_intervals) - 1
% Get the current value of thetadot1 in radians
thetadot1_i_value = thetadot1_rad(i);
% Compute the generalized force term Q
Q = M_Preload - M_centrifugal(thetadot1_i_value);
% Define the ODE function with fully numeric values
odeFunction = @(t, y) [y(2); -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade];
% Time span for the current interval
tspan = [time_intervals(i), time_intervals(i + 1)];
% Solve the ODE
[t_interval, sol_interval] = ode45(odeFunction, tspan, [theta2_initial; thetadot2_initial]);
% Update initial conditions for the next interval
theta2_initial = sol_interval(end, 1);
thetadot2_initial = sol_interval(end, 2);
% Store solutions
theta2_solution_values_total = [theta2_solution_values_total; sol_interval(:, 1)];
time_solution_values_total = [time_solution_values_total; t_interval];
Error using odearguments (line 98)
@(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] returns a vector of length 1, but the length of initial conditions vector is 2. The vector returned by @(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.

Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
% Plot results
plot(time_solution_values_total, theta2_solution_values_total);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('\theta_2 (rad)');
title('\theta_2 vs Time with Generalized Forces');
grid on;


回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-4
移动:Walter Roberson 2024-11-4
% Goal: Solve EOM using Lagrange for theta2 and plot theta2 vs time
% Clear old results
close all
clear all
% Define symbols for DOF theta variables and parameters
syms L1 L2 mblade kt Jblade theta1(t) theta2(t)
% Define derivatives of theta
thetadot1 = diff(theta1, t);
thetadot2 = diff(theta2, t);
% Position of the second joint
x2 = L1*cos(theta1) + L2*cos(theta1 + theta2);
y2 = L1*sin(theta1) + L2*sin(theta1 + theta2);
% Velocities of the second joint
xdot2 = diff(x2, t);
ydot2 = diff(y2, t);
% Kinetic and Potential Energy
KE_Translation = (1/2)*mblade*(xdot2^2 + ydot2^2);
KE_Rotation = (1/2)*Jblade*(thetadot1 + thetadot2)^2;
PETorSpring = (1/2)*kt*theta2^2;
T = KE_Translation + KE_Rotation;
V = PETorSpring;
L = T - V; % Lagrangian
% Derivatives of the Lagrangian
dL_dtheta1 = diff(L, theta1);
dL_dtheta2 = diff(L, theta2);
dL_dthetadot1 = diff(L, thetadot1);
dL_dthetadot2 = diff(L, thetadot2);
dt_dL_dthetadot1 = diff(dL_dthetadot1, t);
dt_dL_dthetadot2 = diff(dL_dthetadot2, t);
% Define parameters (numeric values)
L1 = 0.60; % Length of first arm (m)
L2 = 0.60; % Length of second arm (m)
mblade = 2; % Mass of one blade (kg)
kt = 0.3; % Spring constant (Nm/rad)
M_Preload = 5; % Spring preload (Nm)
M_centrifugal = @(thetadot1) mblade * (L1 + L2 / 2) * thetadot1^2 * (L1 + L2 / 2);
Jblade = (1/12 * mblade * L2^2) + (mblade * (L1 + L2/2)^2); % ICR Moment of inertia of the blade
time_intervals = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120];
thetadot1_rpm = [0, 50, 100, 150, 0];
thetadot1_rad = thetadot1_rpm * (2 * pi / 60); % Convert RPM to rad/s
theta2_initial = 0
theta2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
% Define the function for centrifugal moment
% Perform symbolic substitutions to get numeric versions of dL_dtheta2 and dt_dL_dthetadot2
dL_dtheta2_numeric = subs(dL_dtheta2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric = subs(dt_dL_dthetadot2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade});
% Loop through each time interval and thetadot1 values
theta2_solution_values_total = [];
time_solution_values_total = [];
for i = 1:length(time_intervals) - 1
% Get the current value of thetadot1 in radians
thetadot1_i_value = thetadot1_rad(i);
% Compute the generalized force term Q
Q = M_Preload - M_centrifugal(thetadot1_i_value);
% Define the ODE function with fully numeric values
temp = -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade
whos temp
odeFunction = @(t, y) [y(2); -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade];
% Time span for the current interval
tspan = [time_intervals(i), time_intervals(i + 1)];
% Solve the ODE
[t_interval, sol_interval] = ode45(odeFunction, tspan, [theta2_initial; thetadot2_initial]);
% Update initial conditions for the next interval
theta2_initial = sol_interval(end, 1);
thetadot2_initial = sol_interval(end, 2);
% Store solutions
theta2_solution_values_total = [theta2_solution_values_total; sol_interval(:, 1)];
time_solution_values_total = [time_solution_values_total; t_interval];
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes temp 1x1 8 symfun
Error using odearguments (line 98)
@(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] returns a vector of length 1, but the length of initial conditions vector is 2. The vector returned by @(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.

Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
% Plot results
plot(time_solution_values_total, theta2_solution_values_total);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('\theta_2 (rad)');
title('\theta_2 vs Time with Generalized Forces');
grid on;
Your expression -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade is a symfun. When [] together with something else, the result is a single symfun that returns the concatenation of the values. So your ode function is returning a single symfun, and ode45 is complaining about that.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-4
Your error is mixing symbolic values with numeric values. ode45() cannot handle symbolic results. You should be using matlabFunction or odeFunction to create your function handle.


Torsten 2024-11-5
编辑:Torsten 2024-11-5
I used numerical values for L1, L2, mblade, kt and Jblade right from the beginning and got expressions for dL_dtheta2_numeric and dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric that depend on theta1, theta1', theta1'', theta2, theta2' and theta2''.
Therefore, I expected two second-order differential equations for theta1 and theta2, but cannot find them. Could you write down the mathematical system of ODEs you are trying to solve ?
% Goal: Solve EOM using Lagrange for theta2 and plot theta2 vs time
% Clear old results
close all
clear all
% Define symbols for DOF theta variables and parameters
syms theta1(t) theta2(t)
% Define parameters (numeric values)
L1 = 0.60; % Length of first arm (m)
L2 = 0.60; % Length of second arm (m)
mblade = 2; % Mass of one blade (kg)
kt = 0.3; % Spring constant (Nm/rad)
M_Preload = 5; % Spring preload (Nm)
Jblade = (1/12 * mblade * L2^2) + (mblade * (L1 + L2/2)^2); % ICR Moment of inertia of the blade
% Define derivatives of theta
thetadot1 = diff(theta1, t);
thetadot2 = diff(theta2, t);
% Position of the second joint
x2 = L1*cos(theta1) + L2*cos(theta1 + theta2);
y2 = L1*sin(theta1) + L2*sin(theta1 + theta2);
% Velocities of the second joint
xdot2 = diff(x2, t);
ydot2 = diff(y2, t);
% Kinetic and Potential Energy
KE_Translation = (1/2)*mblade*(xdot2^2 + ydot2^2);
KE_Rotation = (1/2)*Jblade*(thetadot1 + thetadot2)^2;
PETorSpring = (1/2)*kt*theta2^2;
T = KE_Translation + KE_Rotation;
V = PETorSpring;
L = T - V; % Lagrangian
% Derivatives of the Lagrangian
dL_dtheta1 = diff(L, theta1);
dL_dtheta2 = diff(L, theta2);
dL_dthetadot1 = diff(L, thetadot1);
dL_dthetadot2 = diff(L, thetadot2);
dt_dL_dthetadot1 = diff(dL_dthetadot1, t);
dt_dL_dthetadot2 = diff(dL_dthetadot2, t);
M_centrifugal = @(thetadot1) mblade * (L1 + L2 / 2) * thetadot1^2 * (L1 + L2 / 2);
time_intervals = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120];
thetadot1_rpm = [0, 50, 100, 150, 0];
thetadot1_rad = thetadot1_rpm * (2 * pi / 60); % Convert RPM to rad/s
theta2_initial = 0
theta2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
thetadot2_initial = 0
% Define the function for centrifugal moment
% Perform symbolic substitutions to get numeric versions of dL_dtheta2 and dt_dL_dthetadot2
dL_dtheta2_numeric = subs(dL_dtheta2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade})
dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric = subs(dt_dL_dthetadot2, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade}, {L1, L2, mblade, kt, Jblade})
% Loop through each time interval and thetadot1 values
theta2_solution_values_total = [];
time_solution_values_total = [];
for i = 1:length(time_intervals) - 1
% Get the current value of thetadot1 in radians
thetadot1_i_value = thetadot1_rad(i);
% Compute the generalized force term Q
Q = M_Preload - M_centrifugal(thetadot1_i_value);
% Define the ODE function with fully numeric values
odeFunction = @(t, y) [y(2); -(dL_dtheta2_numeric - dt_dL_dthetadot2_numeric + Q) / Jblade];
% Time span for the current interval
tspan = [time_intervals(i), time_intervals(i + 1)];
% Solve the ODE
[t_interval, sol_interval] = ode45(odeFunction, tspan, [theta2_initial; thetadot2_initial]);
% Update initial conditions for the next interval
theta2_initial = sol_interval(end, 1);
thetadot2_initial = sol_interval(end, 2);
% Store solutions
theta2_solution_values_total = [theta2_solution_values_total; sol_interval(:, 1)];
time_solution_values_total = [time_solution_values_total; t_interval];
Error using odearguments (line 98)
@(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] returns a vector of length 1, but the length of initial conditions vector is 2. The vector returned by @(T,Y)[Y(2);-(DL_DTHETA2_NUMERIC-DT_DL_DTHETADOT2_NUMERIC+Q)/JBLADE] and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.

Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
% Plot results
plot(time_solution_values_total, theta2_solution_values_total);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('\theta_2 (rad)');
title('\theta_2 vs Time with Generalized Forces');
grid on;
  10 个评论
Miles 2024-11-7
编辑:Miles 2024-11-7
I tested this out and it actually gives an output! Thank you so much for making this work! May I ask why solve works better than using ode45?
Torsten 2024-11-7
编辑:Torsten 2024-11-8
"solve" is used to get the equations that "ode45" has to compute afterwards. Thus "solve" is not a substitute for "ode45", but used as a preprocessing step.
Here is the complete solution with ode45.
Note that I used theta1 = 2, theta1dot = 0, theta2 = 0, thea2dot = 0 at t = 0 as initial values and worked without external forces. "odeToVectorField" does what "solve" did in the other code.
% Goal: Solve EOM using Lagrange for theta2 and plot theta2 vs time
% Clear old results
close all
clear all
% Define symbols for DOF theta variables and parameters
syms theta1(t) theta2(t)
% Define parameters (numeric values)
L1 = 0.60; % Length of first arm (m)
L2 = 0.60; % Length of second arm (m)
mblade = 2; % Mass of one blade (kg)
kt = 0.3; % Spring constant (Nm/rad)
M_Preload = 5; % Spring preload (Nm)
Jblade = (1/12 * mblade * L2^2) + (mblade * (L1 + L2/2)^2); % ICR Moment of inertia of the blade
% Define derivatives of theta
thetadot1 = diff(theta1, t);
thetadot2 = diff(theta2, t);
% Position of the second joint
x2 = L1*cos(theta1) + L2*cos(theta1 + theta2);
y2 = L1*sin(theta1) + L2*sin(theta1 + theta2);
% Velocities of the second joint
xdot2 = diff(x2, t);
ydot2 = diff(y2, t);
% Kinetic and Potential Energy
KE_Translation = (1/2)*mblade*(xdot2^2 + ydot2^2);
KE_Rotation = (1/2)*Jblade*(thetadot1 + thetadot2)^2;
PETorSpring = (1/2)*kt*theta2^2;
T = KE_Translation + KE_Rotation;
V = PETorSpring;
L = T - V; % Lagrangian
% Derivatives of the Lagrangian
dL_dtheta1 = diff(L, theta1);
dL_dtheta2 = diff(L, theta2);
dL_dthetadot1 = diff(L, thetadot1);
dL_dthetadot2 = diff(L, thetadot2);
dt_dL_dthetadot1 = diff(dL_dthetadot1, t);
dt_dL_dthetadot2 = diff(dL_dthetadot2, t);
% Euler-Lagrange equations for theta1 and theta2
eq1 = simplify(dt_dL_dthetadot1 - dL_dtheta1) == 0; % Eq of motion for theta1
eq2 = simplify(dt_dL_dthetadot2 - dL_dtheta2) == 0;
V = odeToVectorField([eq1,eq2]);
M = matlabFunction(V,'vars',{'t','Y'});
interval = [0 20];
yInit = [2 0 0 0]; %[theta1,theta1dot,theta2,theta2dot] at t = 0
ySol = ode45(M,interval,yInit);
tValues = linspace(0,20,100);
yValues = deval(ySol,tValues);



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